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Wall for Care :D (page 8)

Of course not! It's that I don't have wifi at home any more. I'm able to use my parents cell as a wifi hotspot which allows me to do only so much as it's slow and frustrating. :p I can't connect to the XY server
Jan 1, 2015 by Sophisticles
Jan 1, 2015 by Gosu
You did not done anything wrong. I am so busy get everything ready for transferring to a 4-year Univeristy. I have busy with school stuff. Chem was kicking my butt!!!! It is a official C in general Chemistry and B in Calculus I. Next semester, I will be taking Calculus II and Texas History. Happy late Christmas and Happy New Year. How are you been doing lately. I do not have 3DS codes sorry.
Dec 31, 2014 by sheepman1306
you're awesome!
Dec 31, 2014 by Gosu
CB sounds like choice band lol
Dec 31, 2014 by a creepy stalker
Thanks CB! :)))
Dec 29, 2014 by Infernal♕Crown(twig)
I tried saying bye, but you were already gone ;(
Dec 29, 2014 by Infernal♕Crown(twig)
hiya CB
Dec 28, 2014 by Infernal♕Crown(twig)
Been a while :)
Dec 7, 2014 by a creepy stalker
Well I'm in India so we may have a 12 hour difference.
How about in 6 days when christmas holidays start?
Dec 7, 2014 by a creepy stalker