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Wall for BottomlessSea (page 124)

(imagines Lyle shipping Gladion with Marnie and Pika strangling Lyle and force-feeding him to Marnie before shooting out Marnie's eyeballs and force-feeding her to Hau and then eating Hau's head and tossing him into the ocean where Primal mistakes the Hau body for Sad Hauhead and Origin Pulses it into space where it comes hurling down as a meteor and crashes into N which kills him and Pika dances in victory)
Nov 1, 2020 by Gau
The Aether News
Woo-hoo, new month! What did I do today? Well, I played Pokemon. I tried Shiny hunting an Eevee, but sadly I accidentally knocked out the only Eevee because I'm a dum-dum and wasn't paying attention. I don't really care for keeping Leah, my Shiny Gumshoos, right now. I want a Shiny Yungoos instead, so I'll probably breed or hunt for that sometime. So I guess that's one more Shiny I care nothing about. Big oof. Anyway, I think that's it for now. See ya!
Nov 1, 2020 by Gau
Hey Primal, keep this name, it is good..

Why did you change it again?
Nov 1, 2020 by ~BlazeFreeze~
In the honor of you, I present ~ShinyPrimalKyogre~ sweeps.
Nov 1, 2020 by Mr. Fish
I know I is above K, but the I was not an accident. The I stands for something. You could also replace I with L.
Nov 1, 2020 by Mr. Fish
You forgot the ■●■ It's ■Primal●Shadow■, not Primal Shadow, SPI
Nov 1, 2020 by Mr. Fish
That's what YOU think... XD

The ? News
I don't have any news to report. I might've forgotten something cool, but if I did, I'll post it in tomorrow's news. And, uh, you probably noticed that the news now reads The ? News instead of The Glazio News... well, I dunno what to call it yet, heh. See ya!
Oct 31, 2020 by Gau
seconds ago
the laws of physics prevent her from doing that just because I want them to
Oct 31, 2020 by ~Silver~
Congrats on being shiny
Oct 31, 2020 by Stephwheel8