Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 107)

Pokken is cool. I don’t have it, but I’ve played someone else’s copy of it once or twice (tho it was quite a while ago...)
Jan 5, 2021 by Stephwheel8
Jan 5, 2021 by themodernage
Hold, isn't that the Chandelure model from Pokken Tournament?
Jan 5, 2021 by BM™
Jan 5, 2021 by ~Silver~
Nice grav!
Jan 5, 2021 by Iridacea
1: yes
2: why do more people seem to look on your profile than on mine?
3: all of the above
4: because he is a “lamehead” (which, imo, he isn’t, but lets just pretend I didn’t say that)
Jan 5, 2021 by Stephwheel8
1. No
2. Do I have to?
3. All of the above
4. Because...................(insert nothingness here)
Jan 5, 2021 by -RisingManectric-
That's what she'd get scanning me or Pika's thoughts. XDXDXD

Lusamine: ...Not what I had in mind... I'll just turn up the power!
(Lusamine turns up the power and N appears on the monitor)
N on monitor: AAAAHHHH NOOOOO!
(N gets his lame head cut off by a sword made of Gladion hair)
Lusamine: What in the...?
(Lusamine gets what looks like a remote control and presses a button, causing a ton of Jynx to appear on-screen, which are getting blown up)
Lusamine: Still not it.
(Lusamine presses the button and sees Pika and Gladion singing)
Pika and Gladion on monitor: They can call me a fool, but it just adds more fuel to the fire in my heart every day!
Lusamine: Since when did Gladion sing?
(Lusamine presses the button again and finds Taylor Swift being sacrificed to a Gladion statue by a Kyogre and a bunch of girls with Gladion hoodies on)
Lusamine: I have no clue anymore.
(Lusamine once again presses the button and sees Gladion cowering in fear inside of a Malasada Shop as Haus with Parasect eyes crawl all over the shop's outside)
Lusamine: This has become disturbing.
(Lusamine buttons the press and sees Pika stuffing french fries up her nose until her head explodes, scattering hamburgers everywhere)
Lusamine: That just... just... just why?
(Lusamine presses the button for the upteenth time and sees a headless Pika riding across the water on top of a dead Hau with Parasect eyes)
Lusamine: What in the hell is that?!
Aug 20, 2020 by Gladion Aether
Jan 5, 2021 by Gau
1. No
2. How be life?
3. All of the above
4. Because N is supposedly a hypocritical lamehead dating Parlor Swipple
Jan 5, 2021 by Iridacea
I saw that post one second after i said ded in the chat lol
Jan 4, 2021 by Stephwheel8