Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 105)

Well that because I’m a hacker and teach all my Pokemon Hidden Power Fairy. Best move ever.
Jan 9, 2021 by ~DracoMeteor~
Jan 8, 2021 by Gau
N's (idle) Machine

N was stumped. He had tried everything his dumb brain could come up with to stop the frocky whee heads, and now he had no idea what to do. So he sat there listening to Parlor Swipple's newest song, My (idle) Shirt: "OMG DORPY DERPY DO PEEEE I HAVE NO BRAINININININININ AND MY (idle) SHIRT IS DEEEEEEED" Then N got an idea. He ran to the Gligurr alt army, who were making more Josh Kool clones. "DORP I NEED AN (idle) SHIRTY SHORT!" "OK DORP!" one of the Gligurrs said and handed him an (idle) shirt. He told them of his plan and they all crowded into his secret base, Parlor Swipple included. He began to build a machine. He put in baked bean wires and tore some of his hair out to make the outer shell of the machine. Then Parlor Swipple painted some 'beautiful' N x Parlor Swipple artwork on it. N then shoved the (idle) shirt in, and it activated. "DERP NOW I CAN COMBINE ALL THE FROCKY WHEE HEADS!" N screamed. The lameheads cheered happily. In all logical sense, combining them would just make them stronger, but N was too stupid to think of that. The frocky whee heads were having a vacation, enjoying some time off from the lameheads' stupidity. Pika was casually sipping from a one-gallon bottle of Pepsi when there was a scream of "DERRRRRRRRRRP FROCKY WHEE HEADS I HAVE A (idle) MACHINE THAT COMBINEDES YOU!" N and the rest of the lameheads ran up to them. "Oh good lord." Primal groaned and got out of his chair. He Water Spouted the (idle) machine, which had (deli) written on it, but Lusamine blocked it with a shield of lamehead happy meals. The lameheads swarmed them. "IM THE BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD UR A FUCING JERK AND I HOPE U DIE AND FIZZ AND HT TOO" Josh Kool shouted in Magical Colin's ear. His Rajah pride was insulted and he began to strangle Josh Kool. But then he was knocked unconscious by a giant baked bean and Parlor Swipple placed him next to the (idle) machine. Then, as the frocky whee heads were distracted, N pulled a lever made out of Team Plasma badges. A bright light flashed, and Magical Colin disappeared. Pika was on the floor, seemingly unconscious, so Gladion tried to wake her up. But when she did, she had agate gray eyes. Somehow she managed to find this out and screamed "Cooooool! I have magical powers now!" She had both a girly voice and a boyish voice and was simply adorable. "UH-OH DEPR DO SOMETHING!" Groudon screamed. Pika was juggling balls of snazzy energy and looked to be having fun. "DERP I CAN STOP HER!" N screamed and fused himself with Groudon. "DORP LET'S SEE YOU STOP ME NOW HA!" N said. The N-Groudon fusion was Groudon with N's head and hair. Parlor Swipple then fused herself with N-Groudon, giving Groudon a Parlor Swipple head on his tail. "DERP WE ARE NDONSWIPPLE!" the three voices screamed despite Groudon having no apparent mouth because his head was replaced by N. Pikaolin fired energy blasts at Ndonswipple, hitting him right in the eye. "FUC YOU PIKOLIN IM ADDING U TO MY LIST AND THEN IM GOING TO FIND WHERE U LIVE AND BEAT U UP" Josh Kool screeched and fused with Ndonswipple. So did Lusamine and Rayquaza and Gligurr. So the result was a Rayquaza-shaped creature with Groudon's hands and tail, an N head on its head, a Parlor Swipple head on its tail, a Josh Fool head on its left hand, a Lusamine head on its right hand, and a Gligurr head on its rear end. "What the hell?" came Primal's voice. "DIROP I I MEAN WE TAKE IT BACK WE ARE NDONSWIPPLOSHSAMINEQUAZAGURR!" "OK let's get this sorted out." Gladion said and the frocky whee heads ran to the (idle) machine. They combined Primal with Hau first, but all that gave him was the power to hop up and down without legs as well as Hau's hair. He wished he had a Hau leg and foot so he could kick Ndonswipploshsaminequazagurr right in the Gligurr head. "Try again!" Haumal cried. So Gladion fused himself with Primal, giving him epical Kyogre patterns on his skin and also a sense of childishness. Ndonswipploshsaminequazagurr suddenly yeeted Smart Toilets at them and tried to get Pikolin to sit on one, which she was not keen on doing. "GLADIHAUMAL UR A ****HEAD GO DIE" came Josh Fool's voice from Ndonswipploshsaminequazagurr. Gladihaumal insulted him with words I shall not repeat and fused himself with Pikolin. For reasons unknown, they fused into a colossal Kyogre-patterned Gladion with agate gray eyes and spikes on his back. On each of these spikes were the heads of the others he had cloned with. He stuck his tongue out at Ndonswipploshsaminequazagurr, who was triggered. "I DIDNT GET POINTS FOR SAYING LUCARIO WAS POPULAR IM AN ATTRACTIVE MAN AND THESE ****HEADS DIDNT UPVOTE ME THIS SITE IS MUTATED AND FULL OF RULES AND ****HEADS WHO BANNED MY IP FUC YOU ALL I HOPE YOU ALL DIE AND DIE AND GET RUN OVER BY A TRUCK" It was clear that Ndonswipploshsaminequazagurr's brain was Josh Kool's. Gladihaumalpikolin's heads all unleashed energy blasts from their mouths at Ndonswipploshsaminequazagurr, and he fell to the ground with a screech of "DERRRRRRRRRR-RRRRR-RRRRRRRRRRRR-RRR-RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-PPPPPP-PEEEEEEEE!" Then Gladihaumalpikolin slammed Ndonswipploshsaminequazagurr with a fist, causing him to vomit up Smart Toilets, baked beans, and Josh Kool and Gligurr alts. "IM ATTRACTIVE FUC YOU ALL STOP BANNING ME" he screamed. Gladihaumalpikolin grabbed the (idle) machine that somehow hadn't been destroyed and shoved it down Ndonswipploshsaminequazagurr's throat. It exploded, and Gladihaumalpikolin turned into Gladion, Hau, Primal, Pika, and Magical Colin again, and Ndonswipploshsaminequazagurr turned back into N, Groudon, Parlor Swipple, Josh Kool, Lusamine, Rayquaza, and Gligurr. They were at the frocky whee heads' mercy. Time passed, and a party was thrown. Pika danced around happily while stomping all over the lameheads, Primal poured champagne into their noses and eyes, Magical Colin made them do everything for him, Gladion beat the crap out of them, and Hau battled with people, using the lameheads as the battlefield. And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.
Jan 8, 2021 by Gau
Don't worry in five hundred years when I become Expert I can do that for you. :D
Jan 8, 2021 by Gau
You're gonna have your work cut out for you editing your movesets (with my need for perfection at least and I'm obviously not including the picture because there's no way to show pictures on a wall):

Reshiram@Choice Specs
EVs:252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
•Blue Flare
•Draco Meteor
•Focus Blast
•Earth Power

There's supposed to be a space in-between "Reshiram" and "@", and another in-between "@" and "Choice Specs".
It's spelled Turboblaze, not Turblaze. There should also be a space in-between "Ability:" and "Turboblaze".
There should be a space in-between "Nature:" and "Timid", though I believe it's usually like "Timid Nature", not "Nature: Timid".
There should be a space in-between "EVs:" and "252 SpA". Also, there should be a space in-between "252 SpA" and "/" and "252 Spe" and "/" and "4 HP". Also, I believe "4 HP" should be in the front.
Why the •? It usually looks something like "- Blue Flare". So you need a space in-between all the •s and moves.

So here's what I think your moveset should look like:

Reshiram @ Choice Specs
Ability: Turboblaze
Timid Nature
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Blue Flare
- Draco Meteor
- Focus Blast
- Earth Power
Jan 8, 2021 by Gau
Jan 8, 2021 by Gau
soooooooooooo close

(spam upvotes until you reach 6k)

jk i'm not doing that, pls dont report me
Jan 8, 2021 by ~megaltaria~
that was a joke lol
Jan 8, 2021 by themodernage
Well that’s new.

I was almost gonna stop, but then you posted that.
Jan 8, 2021 by Stephwheel8
Jan 8, 2021 by A typical glance.