Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 88)

A PK may refer to:
Arts and entertainment
Probability of kill (Pk), in computer games, simulations, models, and operations research
Disney's PK: Out of the Shadows, a 2002 video game
Player killing, player versus player conflict in MMORPGs and MUDs
Other media
PK (film), a 2014 Indian film directed by Rajkumar Hirani and starring Aamir Khan
Paperinik, a cartoon character
Peacekeepers (Farscape), in the Farscape television show
Feb 2, 2021 by Tensa Zangetsu
Oh yeah and this too:

Feb 2, 2021 by Gau
That... is so beautiful... XD

My favorite part: Josh Kool yabbering and Parlor Swipple 'SENGONG' (singing). XD
Feb 2, 2021 by Gau
N's Career At Game Freak - Part 3

"O. M. DERP." N couldn't believe his eyes. He'd loaded up what he thought was Pokemon Dorp, but it was titled Pokemon Anti-Parlor Swipple. Similarly, Pokemon Derp was Pokemon Anti-N. And instead of "Game Freak and N present", it said "The Frocky Whee Head Company presents". He knew it was going to be 'bad', but decided to play it anyway. It started off with Primal majestically leaping out of the water and crushing a Josh Kool alt when he leapt onto land. He then went and found Pika and Gladion and said "I think N and Parlor Swipple are spying on us." "We know, I was able to smell them an hour ago." Gladion replied with a wince. Pika was wearing a clothespin on her nose and said "Yeaf, theh smelf life hef." "DORP" N yelled and fell out of a tree. Parlor Swipple also fell out of the tree and he nibbled off her ear. N in real life grinned smugly. He expected this to be the part where he'd send out a Parlor Jynxle and kill them, but no, it wasn't. "Oh, look, it's the lameheads!" Pika exclaimed after taking off the clothespin. "Oh great. Come to sing 'I Farted Off My Eyeball's Iris And Pooped Lisia's Pants' again?" Gladion asked. "DORPING PEE WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU I'M GONNA POOP YOUR PANTS AND PIKA'S TOO" Parlor Swipple threatened. Gladion knew that it was an empty threat, but then Parlor Swipple had to get Pika involved. "Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? You're going to poop in a pre-teen's pants against her will because we don't like you or your music? What the hell?" Primal, despite hating music, got a record player and played the same song that they had played when torturing N when N had pretended to be a baby. Pika and Gladion danced a bit and put on some snazzy stuff. Gladion had two small Japanese flags and a headband with a Japanese flag design. Pika did the same, except hers were the American flag. Then a battle begun: N and Parlor Swipple against Pika and Gladion, and it started as the music picked up and could be heard throughout the battle on infinite loop. Pika and Gladion's Pokemon were both level 255 Silvally who knew glitch moves that somehow didn't crash the game. N sent out a Parlor Jynxle and Parlor Swipple sent out the former box Legendary, a Deerpee En. Both were level 0. N in real life was sure they were gonna defeat the frocky whee heads. Parlor Jynxle's moveset was Splash with 0/0 PP, and Deerpee En's moveset was the same. If they had been able to outspeed, instead of using Struggle, they'd just explode and faint without damaging anyone. However, the Silvally outsped and Multi-Attacked them into oblivion. The battle ended, and Hau came along before turning into Livid Hauhead and hitting N and Parlor Swipple with a Malasada Axe, killing them, and the credits rolled. The credits featured dancing pixel Pikas and Gladions with their cute flag gear. N lost it. After Game Freak saw this, they stared, aghast. "DERP WE SOLDED THE COPIES ALREADY DEPRPEPDPPRPEPPDPRPPPRPDPPPEPPDPRPPEDRDERDPPRPPEPRPD PEE" he screamed. They tried to pull Pokemon Anti-N and Pokemon Anti-Parlor Swipple off the shelves, but there was nothing to pull off. They'd already been sold out across the world, and kids were laughing at how dumb N and Parlor Swipple were and talking about how cute Pika and Gladion looked and how cool Primal and Livid Hauhead were. They tried to release Pokemon Derp and Pokemon Dorp, but the data had been completely deleted and no one was sure what the data had been. N reed Game Freak out of business and yeeted himself off a bridge and drank all the water causing a drought in his area. Pika, Gladion, Primal, and Porygon were practically swimming in money and kept updating the games to add more story, as it could connect to the internet. Gladion opened his text thing to see that Pika had been spamming him with hearts for hours now and he was trying to find out what she had last said to him that hadn't been heart spam. Porygon was enjoying making gimmick movesets for the Pokemon, and Primal was off killing Josh Kool alts.

The end.
Jan 31, 2021 by Gau
N's Career At Game Freak - Part 2

"This is going brilliantly, N. Now, what ideas do you have for Pokemon? We'd love to hear them." said a member of Game Freak. "OK SO FIRST OFF WILL BE THE BOXED LEGENDERPY AND IT'LL BE THE SAME POKEMON IN BOTH GAMES AND I'VE DESIGNED IT MYSELF" He then showed off a picture of himself with baked beans pouring out of his mouth, Parlor Swipple head slippers which may have been actual Parlor Swipple heads, a pipe stuck in his ear, a bee stinging him in his eye, and dynamite stuck in his pants. "Wow! What an amazing design! Look at it, so majestic and original! We could've never thought of something like that! It was such a good idea of us to hire you, so thank you again for agreeing!" said a fanboy member of Game Freak. N's ideas, let's call them, went on. The region would be a massive N head called the Derpen region, 'cleverly' combining 'derp' and 'N'. The evil team would be Team Fracken Whoop Hood. This wasn't N trying to put a spin on the term 'frocky whee head', it was him forgetting how to spell 'frocky whee head'. It also featured misspellings of the frocky whee heads' names because N probably couldn't spell N. He also made plenty of moves. There were moves like Dorpee, which made the user faint and had no effect on anything else, Pear Swoop, which made you immediately lose the battle, and N Head, which made N heads shower over the field and crash the game. "Wow, great moves! And the movesets you made were so brilliant, much better than that one Porygon-Zangoose guy could ever fathom! Ha! Not using Tickle on a Choice Scarf Torterra! What a noob!" Obviously the Game Freak people were morons if you hadn't noticed. Meanwhile, Pika was casually eating beans with lots of cheese on them when she recieved a text from Gladion: "Hey, Pika, there's something I need to tell you." Of course, she nearly hacked up a bean and spammed him with hearts. In his house, which was quite far away from Pika's, he raised an eyebrow. "Uh, what?" he texted. "I've been wanting to tell you the same thing, Gla-Gla!" Pika texted back, face red. Gladion was baffled by now. "So you peek around Parlorchan and mock lameheads on there too? What's your account name?" Gladion texted her. She didn't even read the text and texted back "I LOVE YOU TOO GLADION" Gladion's reply was "...Now what kinda account name is that supposed to be...?" She just then read the text about Parlorchan and faceplamed and nearly fainted. "OKjustignorethatIthinkI'mhighanddrunkongingerbeerdespiteitbeingnon-alchoholicwhatwereyousayingaboutParlorchan?" It took Gladion a second to understand the text, but then he texted back with a link to an article revealing info on Pokemon Derp and Pokemon Dorp. Pika read the article about five times. "What in the name of absolute fricking heck did I just read?" she texted. "N works for Game Freak, I assume after you got kicked out. He's working on Pokemon Derp and Pokemon Dorp and I nearly hacked up the pizza I ate earlier when I saw it. What an abomination, another leak even features an evolved form of Jynx that looks like Parlor Swipple, which I'm not linking for fear of your mental health." Pika  was disturbed by the idea of a Parlor Swipple Jynx but she was so happy that Gladion cared about her mental health so she spammed him with hearts again, adding a bit that said "(these are referring to you worrying about my mental health not the idea of a Parlor Jynxle)". "We've gotta stop him as soon as possible. Meet me outside of the Game Freak building." Gladion texted. Pika then spammed him with links to songs that weren't lameheaded and stupid. Eventually that night, a crew was assembled: Gladion, Pika, Primal, and Porygon. They knew that N was a fricking moron, but decided to get back at him instead of just stopping him. So Gladion sneakily entered through the window, a mischevious grin on his face, and the others followed. Pika made the story, Primal made new Pokemon, Porygon made movesets for them, and Gladion made the music and supervised. He was also the debugger. And when N released the game and then decided to play it, he had a massive shock in store for him.

To be continued...
Jan 31, 2021 by Gau
N's Career At Game Freak - Part 1

"DORP I GET TO WEERK AT GNOME FROCK" N cried in delight, and no one could tell if he was asking if he could work at 'Gnome Frock' or if he was just boasting that he worked at 'Gnome Frock'. He went to Game Freak's headquarters, and was greeted by whoever ran Game Freak or whatever. "Hello, N. I think you'll make a fine addition to our workforce, unlike... some people." His memories flashed back to Pika working for him and re-coding an entire Pokemon game before release, so gamers got Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Gladion, and in Pokemon Gladion, every person and Pokemon was Gladion. Of course, this led to a dramatic mess, but Gladion lovers bought up the copies and stored them before Pika was booted out of Game Freak and all the copies were taken back and replaced with Pokemon Shield. "OMDORP IS THAT PEELOR POOPLE ON THE GAEM FREEK" N screamed and barged into the building. He expected to be met with Parlor Swipple's latest rap, titled 'OMG My Boyfriend Works At Game Freak And Has Lettuce Hair And Is A Derranged Hippie So I Smooched Him In A Freeway And Caused A Million-Car Pile-Up', as well as mountains of baked beans. But then he realized that there was no Parlor Swipple music and that Pika had been re-hired as the debugger and grammar editor and was blasting System Of A Wheescree's latest song, 'Frocky Whee Humanoidz'. "WE'RE MAKING LAMEHEADS ANGRY AND WE'RE NEVER GONNA STOP!" she sung and loudly blasted its catchy melody while doing a triple-jump flip into a computer. N, of course, felt the need to ree. "REEEEEEEEEEE DORP PIKA YOU'RE NOT A LAYMEHED" However, the music was so loud that she couldn't hear him. "FROCK-CKY WHEE-EEE HUMANOIDZ!" she sung and mentioned something about personalized sweaters that had nothing to do with the song. N reed at her and peed his pants until the song ended, and Pika still didn't notice his existence and began to sing another song. "Tension is rising, streets are lameheaded. While there's idiots and baked beans, the frocky whees will protect us! 'Cause tonight they're stupid as frick! Just a bunch of braindead morons! For the first time in history, I gotta call the frocky whees! The frocky whees! Yay, it's the frocky whees! And screes! Lameheads wanna make us eat baked beans, but it's absolutely stupid and dumb! The frocky whees! They're not stupid, the frocky whees! Whoopee! The lameheads are annoying as frick, and we're gonna shut 'em down! It's your human nature, and all your insticts to beat up the lameheads, and turn their brains to goo! Though their brains are already, it doesn't matter to me! So while you're worshipping Parlor Swipple, I'm gonna call the perfect guys! The frocky whees! We need ya, the frocky whees! Once more! We'll stop those stupid lameheads and not even lift a fist! The frocky whees! You're epic, the frocky whees! For sure! And when we've defeated them we'll throw a party!" By the end of the song, N was deeply offended. So he filed a complaint. It read "OMDERP PIKA OFFENDED ME WITH HER ANTI-PARLOR SWIPPLE MUSIC" The people decided that N's feelings were more important than their debugger, which explains why Gen 1 was so freaking glitchy, so they kicked Pika out again. She was very confused by this point. "OK, N, what are your ideas for the next game?" asked a developer as they sat down at a meeting. "OK DORP MY IDEA IS THAT THE PLAYER WILL BE AN N-PARLOR SWIPPLE HYBRID WHO GOES 'PEE DORP' AND THEY HAVE TO STOP MAGICAL COLIN FROM SUMMONING JUNIOR FROM THE DERPING FUTURE AND DEFEATING ALL OF THE LAMEHEADS AND BATHE IN BAKED BEANS" The developers decided that this was a paradoxically splendid idea and made plans for Pokemon Derp and Pokemon Dorp. It would have absolutely no differences between versions except for the color of the baked beans the player bathed in, which would be poop brown in Pokemon Derp and pee yellow in Pokemon Dorp. Then N stupidly leaked it on Parlorchan and the frocky whee heads heard about it.

To be continued...
Jan 31, 2021 by Gau
It's a primal kyogre! No wait, it's a mega swampert?
Jan 31, 2021 by IsItReallyTho
Chapter 1: ?

"Urrgh.... where... where am I...?" The voice belonged to Scree. He was lying on a beach with pale sand and beautiful water gently rippling. "I can't... drifting off..." he muttered before his eyes fell closed. Meanwhile, a brown Pokemon with a cream-colored mane and large ears was standing on a small peak. There were totem poles and torches, and in front of her was a grate and a pink building. It had a barred gate for an entrance. "Hmm..." the Pokemon muttered before pacing back and forth warily. But then she stopped and her expression turned to a determined one. "No. I'm not gonna be paralyzed by this anymore! This is it. Today I'm gonna be brave." Her paws shook slightly as she stepped onto the grate. "Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected!" shouted a voice from under the grate. The Pokemon's face turned to shock. "Whose footprint? Whose footprint?" asked another voice. "The footprint is Eevee's! The footprint is Eevee's!" replied the first voice. "Waah!" cried the Pokemon, and she jumped back, startled. "That shocked me! Whew..." Her relief faded into a look of depression and she said "I can't... I can't bring myself to go in... I promised that I'd do it today, but..." With a sigh, she reached into her mane and pulled something out. It had a white marking on it. "I thought that holding on to my personal treasure would inspire me..." she muttered before hiding it back in her mane and breathing a heavy sigh. "I just can't do it. I'm such a coward... this is so discouraging..." Then she walked past a pair of banners and down some stairs. Two Pokemon came out of hiding. "Hey, Zubat. Did you get a load of that?!" asked one, a round, purple Pokemon with a yellow pattern similar to a skull-and-crossbones on it. "You bet I did, Koffing." replied the blue, eyeless Pokemon with purple wings and ears that was named Zubat. "That little wimp that was pacing around... had something good, right?" "That wimp had something, that's for sure. It looked like some kind of treasure." "Do we go after it?" "We do." The two Pokemon nodded and followed the brown Pokemon at a distance. On a beach, groups of red and off-white Pokemon with large pincers were blowing bubbles through the air. The brown Pokemon arrived and her eyes began to sparkle. "Wow! What a beautiful sight!" she exclaimed and gazed at the view. The bubbles reflected the light off the sun as it brought a faint yellow-orange glow to the blue waves. "When the weather's good, the Krabby come out at sundown to blow bubbles... all those bubbles, reflecting the setting sun off the waves... it's always beautiful." It truly was a sight to behold, as if it was drawing you into the light and colors. "This is where I always come when I'm feeling down on myself. But it makes me feel good to be here, like always. Coming here heals my spirits." She gazed at the view for a minute longer, but then noticed something.
Jan 31, 2021 by Gau
"Hey... what's that? What's going on over there?" she asked. She approached the form she saw, and then her eyes went wide with shock. "Waah! Someone collapsed on the sand!" She dashed up to the figure. "What happened?! Are you OK?!" she cried. "Ugh..." it muttered before standing up. It was Scree, and he looked rather confused. "You're awake! Thank goodness!" the Pokemon said, relieved, before stepping back a bit to give Scree some space. "Where... where am I...?" he asked himself. "You wouldn't move at all. I was really scared for you! Do you have any idea how you ended up unconscious out here?" she asked him. He turned and noticed the Pokemon standing next to him. "I... I was unconscious? What happened...?" He was confused, and the Pokemon didn't seem to hear him. "Anyway, I'm Whee. Happy to meet you! And who are you? I don't think I've seen you around before." Scree wondered how she could be happy to meet him when she didn't even know his name. Then he realized something odd. He hadn't heard of a Pokemon that talked before. He was also confused on how he was about her height. "Well, I'm a human, if you didn't know, and-" "What? A human? You look like a totally normal Shinx to me!" Stunned by Whee's words, he looked at himself. He had a blue head and large ears with yellow inside of them. Part of his body was covered in dark gray fur, and he had a long tail with a four-pointed tip. There was a yellow band on both of his two front legs. His eyes were a peircing yellow. "I-I've turned into a Shinx...?!" he cried. Once he regained his composure, he became confused. "But how did this happen...? I don't remember anything..." By now, Whee was very confused and skeptical. "You're... a little odd... are you pulling some kind of trick on me?" "I'm t-telling you the truth!" he insisted. "OK, how about your name? What's your name?" "My name...? That's right... my name is Scree." he said. "So you're named Scree? OK. Well, you don't seem to be a bad Pokemon, at least." Then Whee smiled awkwardly. "Sorry that I doubted you. More and more bad Pokemon have been turning up lately, you see! I lot of Pokemon have gotten aggressive lately. It's just not safe anymore..." Her smile faded into a troubled, sad look. Scree noticed Zubat and Koffing approaching them, though he didn't know their names. Suddenly, Zubat lashed out with an attack, nearly knocking Whee into Scree, who jumped back. The rock-like object fell out of her mane. "Well, I do beg your pardon." Koffing said. "Hey! Why'd you do that?!" Whee demanded, sitting bolt upright with a glare on her face. Zubat chuckled evilly. "Can't figure it out? We wanted to mess with you! Can't face up to us, can you?!" "W-What?!" "That's yours, isn't it?" Zubat asked, gesturing to the object. "Oh! That's-" "Sorry, kiddo. We'll take that!" Whee cried out in shock as Zubat picked up the object and held it in a small Bag. "Not gonna make a move to get that back? What's the matter? Too scared? I didn't expect that you'd be such a big coward!" "Come on. Let's get out of here. See you around, chicken." Then the two Pokemon entered a small cave that was nearby as Scree watched. "Ohhh... w-what should I do?" Whee asked him. "You're... you're asking me?" "That's my personal treasure. It means everything to me. If I lose that..." She trailed off as tears welled up in her eyes. "But isn't it just an old-" "No! There's no time to waste! I have to get it back! Say, can you please help me?" Scree was very confused and startled by now. "I-I don't know what to do..." "We don't have any time to waste! Let's go!" "But you can't just-" "That's my previous treasure... if that disappeared, then I'd... please! Please help!" Tears were in her eyes again, and she seemed to be begging. "But I don't have any memory..." "I know it's difficult... but hurry! It doesn't matter if you don't have any memory. You can still help! Please!" "But I'm sure I'm a human-" "Human, ghost, it doesn't matter! You can still help! Please!" Whee yelled, becoming irritated by now. Scree decided to just help her. "Got it..." he muttered. A sparkle returned to Whee's teary eyes. "R-Really? You'll really help?! T-Thanks! Can we go take care of it right now?" There was no time to reply, as Whee rushed off toward the cave. Scree followed. They ended up in a location with bluish walls and a pale, pinkish ground. It had multiple plants growing in small clusters. Scree noticed some yellow and sparkling coins and decided to investigate. But a Pokemon approached him as he approached the coins, marked with the letter P. The Pokemon was blue with a green underside and yellow marks on its body. He didn't know what exactly to do. It sprayed mud into the air, the ground becoming covered in mud. Then it approached him and picked up the coins. "Scree! You've got to fight it!" Whee said. "B-But how do I-" It attacked him, hurting him a bit and startling him. This happened to anger him. He suddenly felt as if his blood was moving faster. He felt faster in general. Suddenly, he lunged and tried to tackle it at an incredible speed. However, he missed, confused as to how he'd been able to do that. He used Quick Attack again, this time hitting, and the Pokemon collapsed, fainted. "Great work, Scree! You beat it!" Whee said happily. Scree wasn't exactly sure what he'd done, only that it had been powerful and unusual. Whee put the coins in her mane. "Those coins are called Poke, and you can use them to buy stuff at shops." she told him. "Oh." he replied. Then they approached stairs leading farther down into the dungeon. Scree was confused on how stairs had gotten into the cave, but they went downstairs. Another Shellos used Mud Sport as Scree approached it and used Quick Attack, which missed. It attacked him, but he struck back wih Quick Attack in retaliation. He then used Quick Attack again and it fainted. Then they were stopped in their tracks by a purple-shelled Pokemon with a large red tongue. One Quick Attack defeated it, and they wandered. Soon a pink and blue Pokemon with coral sticking out of it appeared. When it drew near, Whee suddenly leapt at it and started flailing her limbs, tail, and body in a rather reckless attack. She then relaxed when it fainted and breathed a sigh of relief. She seemed unsure of herself. Soon they found a yellow seed. "Oh, a Sleep Seed... come on, Scree, let's take it with us!" "How do we do that?" he asked, tilting his head in confusion. "You can hold it in-between your teeth! Just don't eat it, or you'll fall asleep." Scree reluctantly picked it up in his jaws as they went on.
Jan 31, 2021 by Gau