Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 64)

Apr 25, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
Did you read it?
Apr 25, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
karate song

Hey, baby!
How's it going?
This beat is non-stop! (Oh yeah)

Hey, baby!
Listen to my phrase!
I can give you a sense of rhythm!

Hey, baby!
How's it going?
This beat is non-stop!

Hey, baby!
Listen to my phrase!
I can give you a sense of rhythm!
(Awake, baby! Trust me!)

This beat is non-stop!
New groove
In your soul! Oh yeah!
Hey, baby! You are growing up well!
Hey, baby
Hold on to your ambitions! Hey!!
(Oh yeah!)
Apr 25, 2021 by Chao220
Thanks XD
Apr 25, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
The most recent Poké-Update is here! And holly golly it is a big one. Over 10000 Characters.
Apr 25, 2021 by ~Obstagoon-Marnie~
Chase is going to yeet all the evil Elmo demons into a pit of Selenas and Juliuses and Parlor Swipples and Enneths and Pyras and then implode them with Firaga and Blizzaga and Thundaga.
Apr 24, 2021 by Gau
Good lord you wiped the floor with her
Apr 24, 2021 by Amethyst
You're not gonna have much of any idea what I'm talking about, but I can't help but rant and rave about this strategy I made in Final Fantasy 6.

You see, in this one tower, your characters (and the enemies they face) can only use magic. No Rage, no Tools, no Runic, no Blitz, nothin'. Heck, not even a basic Attack command. Only Magic and Items. As such, you'll want to be giving your characters some good magic to use. Since I taught Chase the Feral Youth all the magic he can currently learn at the time of writing this, he's a powerhouse, and I've found some nice ways to utilize his magic. Here's a list of magic I think should be brought (though the more the better as you can tiddlywink all you like):

1) Reflect
2) Drain
3) Osmose
4) Libra
5) The basic elemental magic (more on that later)

Of course, you should also bring some status-healing items, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potions, Ethers, ect. when you go as well. But here's an explanation on the magic I suggest.

Reflect - Reflect is a whopper sometimes. Basically, you want to cast it on yourself (or your fellow party members) and it will reflect some magic back at your opponent. Like I said, everything uses magic, so them trying to hit you hard with a Fira and having it slam them right in the face is both useful and satisfying, unless of course they're immune to what they're throwing at you. It doesn't reflect all magic, but it can come in very handy, limiting their ability to attack you.

Drain - Drain does exactly what the name implies: drain HP from your opponent. Using it heals you and deals damage to said opponent, so it's a nice way to keep your HP up while chipping away at your opponent's. Of course, you want to wait until you're whittled down first. If you're at full HP, you won't gain any HP. You won't even do any damage. You wouldn't believe how useful Drain can be sometimes, though, especially if you're poisoned, meaning you'll usually have a bit of HP to drain.

Osmose - Osmose is similar to Drain, except it doesn't drain HP, it drains MP. MP is a key factor in these battles, as every bit of magic requires MP. Therefore, the more MP you have and the less your opponent has, the better. Now, if you're running low on MP, you can use Osmose to drain some from your opponent, fueling all your magic while hindering them. Similarly to Drain, however, if you have lots of MP, you won't be draining much from your opponent. This saves you Ethers, which cost a solid chunk compared to most items, and can restore more MP than an Ether depending on the circumstances.

Libra - Libra gives you some info on your opponent. How much HP and MP they have remaining out of their max HP and MP, and what elements they're weak to. This can come in handy if you don't know (or can't remember) what your opponents are weak to.

The basic elemental magic - What I'm referring to are moves like Thunder, Fire, Blizzard, and Poison. You'll be wanting their more powerful versions, of course, but if you want or need to attack, you'll be needing the elemental magic.

Some nice items for your party members would likely be the Thunder Shield, Fire Shield, and Ice Shield. If you have better shields, then feel free to give them the better ones. However, these shields absorb magic and heal you instead of you taking damage. Thunder Shield absorbs Lightning, Fire Shield absorbs Fire, and Ice Shield absorbs Ice. They can come in handy if your opponents like spamming Thundara, Fira, Blizzara, ect..

Anyway, a more fitting name for Chase would have to be 'Ace', because he is my ace. Knowing all the current magic is a great asset, and he has defeated quite a few of the enemies one-on-one. How, you may ask? You doubt the power of Drain tiddlywinking? I have a couple little 'strategies' to take advantage of Drain, which isn't reflected by the ever-annoying Reflect.

You Poisoned Chase! - The strategy here is to get poisoned. You can poison yourself with your own magic (yes it's possible) or you can let the enemies do it for you, as they sometimes will. Being poisoned whittles down your HP slowly but surely, so it's good to combine with with a low-MP Osmose to drain your opponent's MP so they can't strike you too hard. Once your HP is low from the poison, simply use Drain to get some HP back and likely cut out a good chunk of your opponent's.

Feral Youth, Maim Thyself - Very simply, hit yourself with your magic. If you don't have any fancy shields to absorb it, you should take some damage, thus setting you up for Drain antics. Just be careful of how low you get your HP, because if your enemies can kill you, they will.

Right Back At'cha - First of all, you'll need an enemy who has the effects of Reflect on. You can also cast Reflect on them if you're so inclined. Then you attack with with something like Thundara. It'll be reflected back at you and you'll be the one damaged. Then you can use Drain to hit 'em and restore your HP. Why use this over the previous strategy? Heck, why use the poison strategy over the previous strategy? Well, with this strat, you can use Thundara and such to hit multiple enemies instead of just yourself and still take damage if you hit one that reflects it. As for the poison strat, you can save MP I guess? I guess maybe the fact that poison doesn't drain too much HP so it's more controlled? I'm not sure, but it's there if you want to use it.

These strats are way funner than you'd think, believe me.
Apr 22, 2021 by Gau
Garchomp has Draco Meteor. I think the dracovish's last move was rock blast. The Dragapult has Dreepy darts, Dragon claw, Phantom force, and thunder wave.
Sylveon's last move was substitute
Apr 22, 2021 by Mr. Fish
Garchomp with Stealth rock, dragon claw, sandstorm, and probably equake i dunno.
Cinderace with Pyro Ball, Shadow Ball, Gunk shot, and i dunno
Sylveon with calm mind, dazzling gleam, hyper beam, andI can't remember
Dracovish with Fishous rend, crunch i think, dragon pulse, and i can't remember
Don't know Dragapult's moves
Rayquaza with Ice beam, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, and Dragion Ascent.
Yeah these were pretty bad. The fact that this is AG too breaks my heart.

Apr 22, 2021 by Mr. Fish