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Wall for A typical glance. (page 40)

I change all the time. Not just from 11 to 12, but from 10 to 11, and so on. I'm an enigma.
Dec 31, 2020 by Gau
Check this out.

Pika hasn't changed at all, really, after becoming a mother. She's as crazy at forty-something as she was at eleven. To the children, her wackiness doesn't make her really entertaining, it just makes her weird. Gladion hasn't changed much either. He's calm and intelligent and a caring father who loves his children. It's hard for anyone to dislike him. Now, Junior started out as a sweet, adorable child. But then he grew older and became a rebellious brat with no respect for anyone. He was also rather violent. However, he soon began to respect his father and he changed immensely. He became more calm and lost his rebellious side. He's now one of the few sane people in the family. He's still violent on occasion, like when his sister is being a giant pain in the neck. He also loves music now and will shut himself up in his room to blast rock music. German, English, Latin, doesn't matter to him. Now, his oldest sister, June, is much more annoying than he could ever attempt to be. She's one of those irritating girls who writes in her diary about her four million crushes, including her best friend, one of her classmates, and the new boy down the street who hasn't left his house once (she doesn't have a best friend nor does she go to school and there doesn't seem to be any new boys around where they live but that's what it's like). Her diary isn't what's annoying about her, it's the fact that she'll pretty much read her diary to people, going 'blah blah blah OK so my crush did this that or the other and I saw him over by wherever I saw him and blah blah blah'. And it's not just one boy, it's multiple, and she has crushes on like five at a time. Then she tells them how she feels, they reject her, and she breaks down in tears while whining to everyone in the house. Then she gets a new crush or three. She's whiny about practically everything, like the food not being what she wanted, Junior's music being too loud, and the regular thing she makes up that she's being treated unfairly for no reason at all, like she isn't whiny and annoying and bratty and stupid. Her parents love her, of course, they can just barely stand her. Junior and the others just adore reading her diary out loud and laughing themselves silly only for her to come into her room and throw a big fat hissy fit. She doesn't bother to hide her diary, it's usually on her bed, she doesn't bother to close her room door, so she doesn't lock it, and she acts freaked out that they read her diary. It happens even to people who go through the effort to hide their diary and she acts like it's horrible and only happens to her. There are other members of the family, of course. The bratty twins, for example, and the ever-so-cheerful boy who wants to help provide for his family despite being about six years old. Junior wants to provide for his family as well, and also for himself, so he works part-time doing odd jobs to earn money. He plans to save up so he can move out when he's a bit older and get a house. He loves his dad, but he'd prefer not to be with his mom much longer. Pika adores Junior, and so does Gladion, but he doesn't really care for her. She tries to bond with her favorite son, but she can't even hug him because that spiked collar he wears jabs her in the neck. And also because he's around fourteen years old and dislikes being hugged. They share common interests, such as music and TV, but it's never enough and Junior thinks she's crazy. So Pika is obviously upset about it. Gladion works multiple jobs, as he's hardworking and cares about his family. He always provides enough, and eleven people manage to thrive in their rather large home.

As you can see, I didn't just whip this up in four seconds to amuse people in the chat. I've put real thought into this and am making it into a well-developed idea. I find this more interesting than most of the things you've thought of. It's not supposed to be funny, though it sometimes is, it's supposed to be well-thought-out and somewhat realistic. These characters have personalities. I think the Aether family is slightly (understatement) more interesting than 'a.' and '~'.
Dec 31, 2020 by Gau
Dec 31, 2020 by themodernage
Congrats on giving out 1k upvotes
Dec 31, 2020 by themodernage
Dec 31, 2020 by themodernage
Gg on giving out a thousand upvotes
Dec 31, 2020 by Syl ™
I gave out 1,000 upvotes
Dec 31, 2020 by A typical glance.
Dec 31, 2020 by themodernage
Yeah except fanfics are usually written. Fantasies usually just linger in the mind.
Dec 31, 2020 by Gau
It's not a fantasy, it's a fanfic idea.
Dec 30, 2020 by Gau