Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for - xllllllllx - (Icy) (page 7)

Thanks for the offering of ARCEUS!! I owe u one!!
Feb 14, 2015 by Exca le roi
Icyyyyy when can you get on? Hope everything's alright mate
Feb 14, 2015 by Infernal♕Crown(twig)
When you can, give my klefki shiny  calm nature 5iv no attack and my mawile adament nature 5iv no spa
Feb 9, 2015 by Tad
Cubone adament 5iv no spa shiny an tutor fire punch machop care full 5iv no spa mudkip shiny adament 5iv no spa and farfetchd 5iv no spa adamant
Feb 8, 2015 by Tad
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Feb 6, 2015 by Your Excellency
Can you move tutor superpower on Murkrow over peck iron head and zen headbutt an outrage on kyurem over stone edge scary face and dragon claw and hyper voice on ralts over growl?
Feb 1, 2015 by Tad
Gastly needs 5iv no attack modest nature and shiny and can you evolve him to haunter? zorua needs 5iv no attack timid nature shiny Murkrow needs 5iv no spa adament and can you dusk stone him cleffa needs 5iv no attack calm nature and shiny kyurem needs 5iv no spa adament shiny and can you give him a choice band? And ralts needs 5iv no attack and modest nature shiny
Feb 1, 2015 by Tad
Wait, you have PSaves? :O
Jan 29, 2015 by Radicool21
And pp max his moves
Jan 25, 2015 by Tad