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Wall for ~-~WILL~-~ (page 12)

:D how was ur New Years kissed n e one?!? XD
Jan 2, 2014 by Moon
:3 happy New Years MR MARSHMALLOW hope u have a prosperous year :)
Jan 2, 2014 by Moon not as hard to survive as the last one, I promise.
Jan 2, 2014 by Poke'slash
Happy new year, Returning mod. And many more to come, right? :D
Dec 31, 2013 by Rio
Bye bye :P
Dec 30, 2013 by zachydoodle
Jeez Moon has found a new prey to spam >.>
Dec 30, 2013 by Pahff
LMAO im sorry but the part tht u was passed out just made me laugh so hard i spilled tea D= u really are a marshmallow lmao ooh  i would really like to see your old works D= just dont let it be boring =D

aww is it a flip phone or those sliding ones D= Y U NO HAVE TOUCH SCREEN PHONES!
Dec 27, 2013 by Moon
XD i can easily take peoples mind off of then their getting blood drawn XD (make small talk) D= i studied ahead for this semester CX my winter vacation waslike my first break off since 2011 (before i started college)
i dont mind reading ur old work D= i wouldnt know if it was bad grammar or not cuz i just plain suck at that line of topic i got an 85 in high school english class....(skipped most of the time to my old world geography teacher and at candy there haha)

btw WIll do u have KIK? its an app on phone
Dec 27, 2013 by Moon
its the number of post D= idk the limit # but i know there is a limit =( Im gonna work on the field =D studying vascular surgery but its so much studies i have no time for family and friends=/ kinda a lonely life makes it sad lmao andi have to multi task like crazy!

CX what kind though mysteries...suspence......fiction....non fiction....i would like to read someof your work =D i luffs to read
Dec 27, 2013 by Moon
its not boring if you enjoy it =D CX plus doc seems about right sinceim going to college for a doctorate haha okies then ill pretend to be at lease a little scaredof chu from now on =3 dat works right??? =D

btw i just remembered......D= wall post limit omg
Dec 27, 2013 by Moon