Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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On this day last year, our beloved moderator Will passed away. His cousin is beginning to get over it, and his family thanks the Pokebase for the joy we brought dear Will and the condolences the entire site offered.


In honor of this, I have put together a video in his memory. I believe the images used promote inner peace.

Rest in poop.
Also that was the worst video ever.
This is the second time Will sad..
wtf I almost fell for that.
Meh, I wasn't actually the one who made the vid so idc.
No, no, it's the anniversary of his death.
Wait really?
April Fools, guys xD
I think I'm an ACTUAL idiot. This is news to me.
actually i didn't watch the video.. i figured it was just some sort of video saying "APRIL FOOLS!" lol
Wait Im confused is this real?
It's actually a rickroll halfway through.
*points very, very deliberately to the video, comments, and April Fool tags*
Oh he passed away though?
No... Last year the joke was that Will had died and he pretended to be his cousin for a short time. So this is my lame continuation of it.
That's a nice joke...
Oh, rickroll was my second guess

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