Wow, this thread really blew up!
Hi, I'm Scraf. And this is my story:
Seven-year old me really wanted a Game Boy Advance for my birthday. I opened up a grey, glossy box to find a Spongebob GBA and three games: Arcade Games, Galaga Remastered, and Pokemon Fire Red. I clocked in about 800,000 points in Galaga before I put it down for the next eight years, and Arcade Games was a bit too hard for seven-year old me. Fire Red, however, I didn't quite put down just yet.
I clocked 999:59 into that thing faster than you'd expect. I chose Squirtle as my starter and set off out of Pallet Town. My sister got Leaf Green the year later, and I traded my Lvl. 100 Blastoise over to her game. She restarted it. Nooooooo :D
That over the following three years, I purchased Pokemon Games in quick succession. Pokemon Ruby, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver and White all were welcomed into my collection. This was about when I was in Grade 6.
...then I just stopped playing. Pokemon became unpopular. Anyone who played it was the dunce.
Three years later, around the release of X & Y, I stumbled upon this site. The news section helped me out a ton, deciphering all of these new Pokemon, the Fairy Type, why Aegislash looks so great, etc. Then, I discovered Pokebase.
It was like a cool breeze with the smell of freshly fallen rain blew out of my laptop screen that day. There were so many resources and such an amazing community, I quickly identified Pokebase as a safe haven of the Internet.
I quickly proceeded to pump out answers and questions. People generally liked my answers, and I kept getting more points. And then, around January of 2015, I left.
Well, what can I say? I've lost interest in Pokemon for the time being and OR is my last game for the time being. As I listen to YEHEHE, this is my sendoff.
Thanks for being awesome.
That's my story. What's yours?
Post stories about how Pokebase changed your view on Pokemon, rekindled your love for it, or just helped you out overall!
Pokebase, or Pokemon Database, is a great site. A lot of good has happened here so lets tell our experiences of how this site helped us!