Meta-PokéBase Q&A
32 votes

Wow, this thread really blew up!
Hi, I'm Scraf. And this is my story:

Seven-year old me really wanted a Game Boy Advance for my birthday. I opened up a grey, glossy box to find a Spongebob GBA and three games: Arcade Games, Galaga Remastered, and Pokemon Fire Red. I clocked in about 800,000 points in Galaga before I put it down for the next eight years, and Arcade Games was a bit too hard for seven-year old me. Fire Red, however, I didn't quite put down just yet.

I clocked 999:59 into that thing faster than you'd expect. I chose Squirtle as my starter and set off out of Pallet Town. My sister got Leaf Green the year later, and I traded my Lvl. 100 Blastoise over to her game. She restarted it. Nooooooo :D

That over the following three years, I purchased Pokemon Games in quick succession. Pokemon Ruby, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver and White all were welcomed into my collection. This was about when I was in Grade 6.

...then I just stopped playing. Pokemon became unpopular. Anyone who played it was the dunce.

Three years later, around the release of X & Y, I stumbled upon this site. The news section helped me out a ton, deciphering all of these new Pokemon, the Fairy Type, why Aegislash looks so great, etc. Then, I discovered Pokebase.

It was like a cool breeze with the smell of freshly fallen rain blew out of my laptop screen that day. There were so many resources and such an amazing community, I quickly identified Pokebase as a safe haven of the Internet.

I quickly proceeded to pump out answers and questions. People generally liked my answers, and I kept getting more points. And then, around January of 2015, I left.

Well, what can I say? I've lost interest in Pokemon for the time being and OR is my last game for the time being. As I listen to YEHEHE, this is my sendoff.

Thanks for being awesome.

That's my story. What's yours?

Post stories about how Pokebase changed your view on Pokemon, rekindled your love for it, or just helped you out overall!
Pokebase, or Pokemon Database, is a great site. A lot of good has happened here so lets tell our experiences of how this site helped us!

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Story time yay!
Au revoir, monsieur. Bon chance dans tes adventures. Aimes ta vie.
Gonna answer this with my story soon.
I think I will answer once my days here are over
i love stories too!

64 Answers

1 vote

When I was about 6, my uncle gave me a cartridge for Black 2 along with a 2DS. For some reason, I decided it would be funny to name everything a series of all-caps random letters. I remember picking Oshawott and naming it something along the lines of XGCGSBVF. I didn't know much about Pokemon, so I caught and filled my party with low-level early route Pokemon and never bothered to train them. Because of that, I quickly got stuck on Burgh and his Leavanny, making me put down the game because it was too difficult for me at that age. The game proceeded to reside in my closet for 3 years. After I rediscovered it, I remembered my struggles with Burgh and decided to turn to the internet for help. That's when I found Pokebase. I instantly liked how easy it was to read and never considered looking for other sites. I made an account by the name of CyberRyderVIII because I felt the need to comment something about Zekrom on an old thread. After that, I put down Pokemon again for a bit. I returned after Sword and Shield came out, and made my first Showdown account, called Sir Chasm 27. The pandemic started and my interest exploded. I became much more active on Pokebase and Showdown, getting more familiar with the website and becoming more knowledgeable about Pokemon. I got more confident with my knowledge and in the summer of 2020 I wrote my first answer. Since then, my interest in Pokemon hasn't faltered.

0 votes

My story of how I got into Pokémon, and how I found this site.

One day, I was on the internet (with my parents lol and safe search) and I found out about pokemon, and started getting into it. All I knew was pikachu and Kanto at the age of 6. I didn’t know what a Nintendo DS/2DS/3DS was at the time. Pokémon got unpopular and I was afraid to even like it anymore, and I slowly forgot what it was at all. When it started succeeding again, I was re-introduced into it. I forgot about so much, that I though that the only regions were Kanto and Alola LOL. Once the Nintendo switch came out, I got one and was so excited to know that there was a new Pokémon game. Even though I hadn’t been following the series, it felt like this game would bring me back to what I knew. Back to the 90’s but I wasn’t born at that time LOL but I had been wanting a Nintendo 3DS before the switch. After playing, I started to get into the older games, I now have moon, ultra sun, X, Y, and detective pikachu. Then later on, I was just browsing the web and I searched a unique search, “Pokémon question and answer” because I could never find anything I had a question about. The first result that catches my eye is Pokébase. I start looking around, and I quickly decided to make an account. I saw this great community and was very happy with the outcome. And here I am, a happy Pokémon fan that loves pokebase.

Nice story!
0 votes

The Beggining

A (not so) long time ago, in the (not so) faraway country of Brazil...
My first contact with the franchise was around the start of the Gen 6 era, when my brother wanted to watch the anime's original series on Netflix. This series and the XY series as well were basically our only method of gathering Pokémon knowledge, aside from the official pokédex on the official Pokémon website. So obviously I brainfarted sometimes. For example, I thought Tentacruel was naturally giant (I didn't paid attention on the mutation part).

The impact of Pokémon GO

GO was my first Pokémon Game as far as I can remember. I started with Squirtle, due to blue being my favorite color, and water being my favorite element. However, my progress was a little slow until I actually learned more about the game in 2020, (yup, the worst time to play the game).

The moment that ignited my passion for Pokémon

Around the beggining of 2020, I saw a friend of mine playing Pokémon Fire Red, a game I heard very little about before, on his cellphone. I wanted to play too, so, with his help, I downloaded the emulator and the ROM and started playing, starting with Squirtle once again. During this time, I discovered more about the franchise, such as finally learning that Tentacruel is actually around as tall as the player character. Since then, I started playing a lot of gen 3 games and ROM hacks, then I dicovered a DS emulator and played Gen 4 and 5 games as well. I even found a 3ds emulator and played gen 6 and 7 (excluding Let's go). Unfortunately I can't find a Switch emulator that works on my cellphone or Laptop (That is what I get due to joining the Pokémon community so late).

A database full of info

The official Pokédex started to seem out of information that I already didn't knew, so I looked for another online Pokédex, so I found Pokémon DB's shiny dex, and started using this site as the main source of Pokémon information that I had. Eventually I discovered Pokébase and the moveset questions, so I logged in as BlastFury0614 and posted a set for one of my favorite Pokémon, Raichu, which I upgraded since I didn't knew soo much about competitive back then. I normaly also use Bulbapedia and Smogon for learning new things as well.

Smogon and Showdown!

I somewhat started learning about competitive in DB, but I wanted to see what Showdown! was all about, and I played a lot since then. I especially like playing OM's, for the amount of new strategies that can be used. Sime examples include the classic Sturdinja on Pure HackMons, physical wallbraker Chansey in Stat Switch, Altarianite Landorus-T (or Great Tusk) in Mix and Mega, or a Water-Flying-Ground Gyarados in bonus type. I'm also playing minor tours and tour minigames a lot thanks to a DB user sugestion.

I'll upgrade this whenever it's necessary

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Which 3ds emulator ae you using and where did you get the ROM from?
SturdNinja is a joke in any PH gen lmao.
Still fun I guess... \_(ツ)_/
0 votes

Well, I once was looking at netflix, and found pokemon xy. Some friends of mine liked pokemon and gave me some cards, and then I asked my dad about pokemon video games, he had some, and then I started playing. My first game was gold. Then, I got a lot into it and I found this website, I just stalked around on it a lot, I was too scared to ask my dad, but I mustered enough courage and I asked him in February 2021, he said yes, and well here I am. Kind of boring but yeah.

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