PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
33 votes

I've been lookin through Pokemon to see how annoying I can make my teams, and I thought, "hey, why can't other people as well!!". So, this is where you can!!

What is a troll Pokemon I hear you ask? Well, it's a Pokemon that is so annoying that it makes your opponents tear their hair out and cry in a corner. It's so impossible to get passed you feel like never ever playing Pokemon again. And it's so funny to use you might die from laughter after seeing the amount of ragequits they cause.

So, basically, I want to see everyone's favorite annoying Pokemon and annoying sets to go with it!

Btw it can be any tier, but the sets have to actually work and cannot just be "in theory".

Please follow standard moveset thread guidelines when answering this question.

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I'm just saying that if you want to win and annoy opponents at the same time, you'll probably get better movesets by Googling stall sample team.
I like using a Smeargle that knows Telekinesis and Smack Down with Recover and Thunder Wave :P
Hacked Shedinja with Sturdy Ability holding Lum Berry :)
You know what's trollolololy against trollolololy Pokemon? Taunt!
We did engage in a little bit of tomfoolery

85 Answers

0 votes

Cloyster @ White Herb
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shell Smash
- Rock Blast
- Icicle Spear
- Substitute / Pin Missile / Liquidation

shell smash then spam anything :) I did a full sweep with this setup.

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By Skill Swap, do you mean Skill Link?
0 votes

This set allows a Pokémon with a BST of 425 to battle against bloodcurdling legendaries, Baton Pass, Moody and other broken stuff in the AG metagame of all things. And it still can thrive!! Yup, very trolly...

Troll Dynamax Sweeper
Swoobat @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Simple
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash
- Stored Power
- Roost
- Nasty Plot

A quite Simple (literally) Dynamax abusing set. Pairs really well with Screens and Hazard Support, and with Baton Pass as well. You'll need to grab as many boosts as possible to get it to its maximum potential

Once you Dynamax, Air Slash turns into Max Airstream, which raises its Speed and hits Dark Types like Yveltal.
With enough boosts from Max Airstream, the Weakness Policy and maybe even its own Nasty Plot or Baton Pass from a teamate, its STAB Stored Power turns into a absolute monstrocity of a move.
Roost is for healing
Nasty Plot gives it more boosts if you can use it in the right moments.

0 votes

Y'know, ParaFlinch Jirachi is cool and all, but what if we could have a 100% flinch chance?
Well, if that's what you want, here's a doubles troll strategy that I totally didn't steal from my friend.
Format: Any Gen 5-7 doubles format that allows the use of Ambipom and Aipom

(Insert Monkey Business joke here)

Ambipom @ King's Rock
Ability: Pickup
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fling
- Agility
- Return

Aipom (use a second Ambipom if there's no species clause) @ Razor Fang
Ability: Pickup
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fling
- Agility
- Return

To begin your silly antics, begin by setting up Agility, allowing you to outspeed most Pokemon that come your way. Then, start spamming Fling, and you'll toss your Kings Rock and Razor Fang at the foe. While these moves deal only 30 BP with these items, your opponents Pokemon will be unable to do anything! Pickup will allow you to get back your Kings Rock and Razor Fang, and Return is strong STAB that can be used if you're sure that the opponent will be finished off by the attack.


  • A Pokemon with Speed Boost, or a Pokemon that can increase their Speed or decrease Ambipom/Aipom's Speed with the use of their abilities
  • Something that can OHKO both Pokemon or Protect + Toxic stall them before both Pokemon setup Agility
  • Attacking moves with priority or Quick Claw
  • Pokemon with Steadfast or Inner Focus
  • PP stallers
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0 votes

hope this didnt end up in a comment section but heres my troller quag

Quagsire @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stockpile
- Infestation
- Recover
- Haze

i faced off against this thing and this was SOOO annoying what you do with this quagsire

1.stockpile 3x (you have unaware I think you can tank a few hits)
2.recover once you get hit by any grass moves
3. infestaion once something that isnt a grass type comes in
4.keep stalling the opponent with unaware and 3x stock pile
5.once infestation wares off use another one
6.if a grass type switches in switch out you might die (or recover)

0 votes

Aww, what a cute sand castle...

Sandygast @ Custap Berry
Ability: Water Compaction
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Endure
- Destiny Bond

It's quite simple. Set up Stealth Rock, use Toxic if you can, and when you know a strong Physical or Special Attack is coming, use Endure to survive and allow the Custap Berry to activate, then use Destiny Bond to take out one of the opponent's strongest mons.

Beware Status, Priority, and Taunt

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