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5 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Zekrom, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Zekrom Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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9 Answers

4 votes

Format: Gen 8 AG
Role: Dragon Dance sweeper, works OK with Dynamax

Zekrom @ Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bolt Strike
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute

Bolt Strike is STAB and the main reason why this gets more usage than Kyurem-Black. I.e. the later lacks a solid Ice-STAB. Bolt Strike has amazing coverage, and the only ground type that are immune have gotten less usage compared to previous generations. Groudon is shadowed by Eternatus as a Kyogre counter due to lack of Primal reversion and Zekrom beats Eternatus, and the other ground-type Zygarde won't like Dragon Claw. Substitute allows to stall opponent's Dynamax while making yourself impostor-proof. Finally, Dragon Claw is chosen over Outrage due to many fairy-types running around like Xerneas and Zacian-C, along with mind games involving steel-types like Ferrothorn (Iron Barbs) and Necrozma-Dusk Mane (Rocky Helmet) which opponent constantly uses as chip damage to wear you down.

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Defensive Ho-Oh is also a great partner for Zekrom, it resists both of Zacian-C's STABS, counters physically defensive variants of Necrozma Dusk-mane, and it's also immune to Lunala's Will-O-Wisp.
Life Orb is also a viable item.
Leftovers is better than LO when you have Substitute because it stops you from being chipped to death.
4 votes

Magnet Rise DD

[Gen 8] AG


Zekrom @ Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Bolt Strike
- Dragon Claw
- Magnet Rise

This is the standard Zekrom set, but with one difference: Magnet Rise instead of Substitute. Now what does Magnet Rise do is pretty simple. For the next few turns, you're now immune to Ground-type moves! This means that you wall and set-up easily on defensive NDM, and a few other things like Groudon.

Now now, while it may seem awkward, NDM and Groudon are one of the best counters to it after Lunala. Magnet Rise generally baits them to Dynamax and use a ground-type move if you setup Dragon Dance, but when they do to only know that they have no way of hitting you! Dragon Dance allows it to meanwhile boost its already good Atk and Spe much more, allowing it to sweep. Rest of the set is self explanatory, Dragon Claw is STAB and doesn't lock like Outrage and Bolt Strike has awesome power.

The EV spread is pretty standard, and the Jolly Nature here is to outspeed Jolly Zacian-C and Timid Calyrex-S at +1 Spe, though Adamant is always an option. Leftovers provides passive recovery, thereby increasing its longevity.

This exactly similar set was used by Fc04 vs Shivam o) in the second week of AGPL where Magnet Rise brought him an easy win.

This is probably terrible and I love it
2 votes

Mixed Bulkyish Zekrom

Zekrom @ Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 176 HP / 80 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Bolt Strike
- Outrage / Draco Meteor
- Earth Power / Focus Blast / Hidden Power [Fire]
- Roost

Bolt Strike: Great STAB move for Zekrom, absolute demolishes Ho-Oh, Kyorge and co on their weaker physical defence.

Outrage/Draco Meteor: Another great STAB choice for Zekrom, Outrage for hitting the likes of Chansey, Blissey and others on their weaker physical defence, Draco Meteor for hitting the likes of Groudon harder on their weaker special defence.

Earth Power/Focus Blast/Hidden Power (Fire): Earth Power to hit the likes of Heatran, Dialga, and other Steel types hard. Focus Blast to handle Ferrothorn and Tyranitar as well as the likes of Heatran and Dialga. Hidden Power Fire to hit Ferrothorn, Scizor and some other Steel types harder than the aforementioned moves.

Roost: Helps keep Zekrom healthy, especially when using Life Orb as your preferred item.

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1 vote

Gen 8


Zekrom @ Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Hone Claws
- Scale Shot
- Bolt Strike

252 HP EVs let's you have 101 HP Substitutes. Hone Claws boosts Bolt Strike and Scale Shot's accuracy. Scale Shot is STAB and raises Speed. Bolt Strike is insanely powerful STAB, and (usually) won't miss because of the Hone Claws accuracy boost. So yeah, lots of boosting.

Hone Claws Zekrom only existed back in USUM where it didn't get Dragon Dance. Zekrom's typing doesn't seem the best to do so much reliable set-up, plus why do you need the accuracy boost? If it's AG then you can have Dynamax. Also, Scale Shot is extremely inconsistent STAB, and the -Def means if opponent puts their NDM in front of you it can't do anything, and if you tried to kill it you won't get time to use Scale Shot after which faster threats can easily revenge kill.
0 votes

enter image description here

Okay, for those of you who think Reshiram is weaker than Zekrom are wrong
these two magnificent Pokemon BOTH have a base stat of 680 which means they are equals with different areas of specialty and Zekroms is Attack

Zekrom @ Life Orb
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bolt Strike
- Outrage
- Stone Edge / Roost
- Giga Impact / Magnet Rise

Bolt Strike is STAB and has good power and OK accuracy.
Outrage is STAB has Amazing power and Great accuracy.
Stone Edge is Coverage against your Counterpart, Reshiram
Giga Impact for a Quick Finish
(Roost) is for healing
(Magnet Rise) is for Immunity to Ground Types

Note: visit the Move tutors in Black White 2 for the Extra moves

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0 votes

Special Zekrom

Zekrom @ Life Orb / Choice Specs
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt / Thunder
- Dragon Pulse / Draco Meteor
- Earth Power
- Flash Cannon

Thunderbolt/Thunder is STAB. Thunderbolt for accuracy, Thunder for power. Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor is STAB. Again, Dragon Pulse for accuracy, Draco Meteor for power. However, Draco Meteor lowers SpA by 2 stages, so Dragon Pulse is recommended. Earth Power is coverage and makes use of his ability. Flash Cannon covers Ice and Fairy as well as Rock.

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I can't help it, but l get really annoyed when people use attacking stats the wrong way. Give him Steel Wing, it works with his Attack. Now, l've got to post a set for Dialga. BYE!!
I was trying to make a Zekrom different from the standard Bolt Strike, Outrage, Stone Edge, etc you always see. Special Zekrom can be unexpected. I could swap in Zekrom on a resist, force them out into a physical wall, and hit hard with a Choice Specs Draco Meteor.
Well, yeah, it's just that Zekrom's base Attack is 30 points higher than Sp. Attack, and my Zekrom has 92 more points in Attack then Sp. Attack. So that's why.
But that is very unpredictable, though!
Yeah, can I ask a question? Why?
0 votes

Zekrom @ Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Hone Claws
- Bolt Strike
- Dragon Claw
- Shadow Claw

Hone Claws sets up Zekrom for sweeps by boosting Bolt Strike's accuracy. Dragon Claw is Zekrom's most reliable Dragon STAB and Shadow Claw is a general coverage move.

Zekrom is definitely powerful and deserves its rank. It is unfortunate how it cannot learn Earthquake, but all the less it can be bulky and sweep at the same time.

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Quick question, what is shadow claw coverage for?
0 votes

My oh my, more special Zekrom here but I'll post another one

Zekrom @ Choice Specs / Choice Scarf / Life Orb
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Draco Meteor
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt

Here's a set I came up with for anyone with a sad natured zekrom.
Volt switch is pivot, nothing special there. Draco meteor is a giant bomb that will do huge damage. Flash cannon covers any pesky fairy or ice types trying to get a stab super effective move off. Thunderbolt is the other electric type option if you want to stay in.

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0 votes

Imagine Specs Regieleki that isn't stonewalled by Bulky Grounds the tier is infested with.
By Trading Enormous Power and Speed, You Nuke Everything. Even Zygarde shivers at its presence!
All this while luring its traditional Checks!

Gen 8 Anything Goes

Zekrom (Zekieleki) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 Atk / 252 Spe*
Mild / Rash Nature for the extra power push
Hasty / Naive Nature so you at worst Speed Tie with Other +Spe Base 90s, Creeps Modest Yveltal / Xerneas as well.
- Rising Voltage
- Draco Meteor
- Volt Switch
- Bolt Strike / Thunder

With the release of SV and the Inevitable drop of gen 8 as the current generation, I thought it would be cool to share one of my favorite, albeit inconsistent Zekrom Set I've used a handful of times as a one last Farewell. o7
Note that while I have never seen anyone use this before, I don't take the credit for this set.
Someone pretty sure must have tinkered with this in the past before me. That said, Get Ready to feel the Thunder!

Pair this with Electric Terrain and Spam Rising Voltage like there's no tomorrow!
With Mild / Rash, Do 60% to Physdef Ferrothorn, Kiss Buzzwole / Necrozma-Dusk Mane / Tangrowth / Defensive Xerneas / Lunala Goodbye while Chunking Standard Chansey with an Acceptable 33-39%
( Standard Blissey takes like 41-48% so after rocks you have a 77.3% chance to 2HKO )
+Spe also works though Blissey is gonna have an Easier time shrugging it off even after Stealth Rock, and Guaranteed OHKO'es becomes a roll such as on Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, albeit favorable ones.

The Bread and Butter of this set is actually Threatening to Delete all Lunala and Groudon variants that doesn't invest in Special Defense ( While Mixed can do the same, This Set has the benefit of KO'ing Groudon Instantly while having a ridiculous STAB Option that break its hard walls like Ferrothorn and Buzzwole.)
Specs Draco has pretty solid 31.3% Chance to OHKO Standard Don, with the odds rising to 68.8% after rocks. Metagame Staples Zygarde and Eternatus wants nothing to do with this, Landorus-T and the niche Quagsire suffers the same fate.

Volt Switch keeps up Momentum and allows you to scout while also chunking would be switch-ins like Tyranitar and Chansey.

Bolt Strike might seem Counter-Intuitive on a Specs Set but under Electric Terrain, it allows you to actually threaten to OHKO Ho-Oh and Yveltal as both can take a Rising Voltage because of being Airborne and Proceed to Spread Status or Knock Off your Specs. Its Chosen over Thunder because of its raw damage output to Chansey as it hits like 252 Atk Adamant when boosted. Note that Chansey shrugs off Unboosted Bolt Strike.

This takes advantage of the You Absolutely have to Respect Dragon Dance Zekrom mindset cause yes, take it for granted and you will regret it.
The Main Drawback of this set however, is how Exploitable its moves are - Yes you killed a Groudon at full but now Xerneas just comes in and clicks Geomancy, for Example. Big Momentum Sink that can end games right off the bat. Not to mention that running Koko + Zekrom only stacks up your ground weakness. Despite that, its solid if you play it right, Tangrowth is a crucial teammate that checks Marshadow, Zygarde, Dragon Dance Necrozma-Dusk-Mane and Groudon with Reflect. It can also help weaken Don if the MU doesn't allow you to click Draco. This Zekrom appreciates Paraspam so TWave Koko and TWave NDM are good choices. With Nature's Madness, you chunk Cocky Groudon / Zygarde / Eternatus as well.
Overall, You can picture the Squad. Its not perfect and yes, this set has a lot flaws but more often than not, its how you play it that matters the most. For Example, Paralyzing DD NDM, Reflect With Tangrowth and then going Zekrom will neutralize it as a threat.

Have Fun! and Goodbye Gen 8 o7

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