Pokémon Database - News & Updates
Welcome to The Pokémon Database! We believe in making Pokémon information as clear and easy to digest as possible.
On this page below you'll find the recent Pokémon news and updates to this site. Delve deeper using the menu above to find detailed Pokédex entries, attack stats, evolution chains and our thriving community of awesome Pokéfans who'll answer your questions. And much more besides!
Meloetta now available from various game stores
Pokémon Events — 05 March, 2013
I'm a bit late posting this, but a new event is underway to obtain the mythical Pokemon, Meloetta! This is a
event - visit a participating game retailer and you can receive Meloetta at level 50. It has the moves Round, Teeter Dance, Psychic and Close Combat.
Participating stores are GameStop store in America/Canada, GAME in the UK, and Target/EB Games in Australia. In America the event runs from March 4th to 24th, while in UK/Europe it runs March 22nd to April 19th.
This is the last Pokemon from Generation 5 that has not been made available before, so get it while you can! See the events page for more details.
New Eeveelution's English name revealed as Sylveon
Pokémon X & Y — 14 February, 2013
The new Eevee evolution revealed on Tuesday has been given an English name. It follows the regular -eon pattern of the rest of the Eevee family and is named Sylveon. Still no type or other details just yet.
The most likely etymology for the name is sylva, Latin for forest
, or sylvan, a a mythical deity or spirit of the woods
. This would perhaps tie in with the legendary Xerneas.
A short trailer has also been released, watch the video below.
New Pokemon Ninfia, an Eevee-evolution, revealed
Pokémon X & Y — 12 February, 2013
Japanese magazine CoroCoro has revealed a new Pokemon called Ninfia (English name not known yet).
It is a new Eeveelution
and will be seen in a Pokemon short, Eevee and Friends
, that will be shown before a new Pokemon movie in the future.
However no type or ability were revealed, nor was the method of evolution, leaving open the possibility of new types or completely unique evolution methods. Ninfia is 1.0m (3ft 3in) tall and weighs 23.5kg (52 lbs).
Click the image to the right to see the larger image.
New Keldeo wi-fi event in America and Europe
Pokémon Events — 24 January, 2013
A new event has been announced. Keldeo, who was previously available in a real-life event, will now be made available through wi-fi! The event runs from Friday January 25th (tomorrow!) to Tuesday February 12th.
This Keldeo will know the moves Sacred Sword, Hydro Pump, Aqua Jet, and Swords Dance and will be Level 50.
To obtain it, as usual go to the Mystery Gift
in the menu, Receive Gift
then Receive via Nintendo WFC
Genesect info available for Pokedex 3D Pro and Pokedex iOS
Pokémon Events — 17 January, 2013
If you have the Pokedex 3D Pro
or Pokedex for iOS
apps, you can now add Genesect's data to them.
For Pokedex 3D Pro, go to Pokemon Challenge
then one of the Keyword options at the bottom. (If all slots are filled tap Delete on one.) Enter the keyword, PHSKUTDF, then play through it to get Genesect (answers don't need to be correct).
For Pokedex for iOS simply enter this code in the search field and tap Search: SNMPSCTP.
In general site news, I added a page for the new games Pokemon X&Y, which will be kept updated with new information as we get it.
New games revealed: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y!
Pokémon X & Y — 08 January, 2013
Nintendo Direct has just finished airing and Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has revealed two new Pokemon games! They are called Pokemon X and Pokemon Y.
The broadcast began with a retrospective look at the history of the Pokemon games, with many references to the delay between the release in Japan and the rest of the world. He then revealed the new games, which will be released simultaneously this October in Japan, America, UK, Europe and Australia!
The games will be on the 3DS and make full use of the 3D feature. The starter Pokemon were revealed to be named Chespin (Grass), Fennekin (Fire) and Froakie (Water). Continue below for the video and more pictures!
![Pokemon X and Y starters - Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie](https://img.pokemondb.net/news/2013/pokemon-xy-starters.jpg)
Pokemon X and Y starters - Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie
Diamond Dust, dual-types and type statistics
General News — 31 December, 2012
If you visit Icirrus City in your Pokemon game today, December 31st, you have the opportunity to see the rare weather condition Diamond Dust. When walking around outside in the town the air will sparkle instead of the typical snow.
It's available in all Generation 5 games - Black, White, Black 2 or White 2. In BW2 once you have seen it you will receive the Diamond Dust medal! If you're reading this in 2013, not to worry. There are several other rumoured dates that Diamond Dust will appear, including January 12th. See the Pokebase question: How do you experience the Diamond Dust weather?
Nintendo also stated recently there will be a Pokemon announcement on January 8th. Whether that will be a new game or not is unknown. We'll post news as soon as we get it.
In other news, I have made some nice little additions to our type pages. On every type page you will first see some totals at the top of the page that count every Pokemon and move of that type. Further down we now have stat averages
which tell you for each stat like HP or Attack, what their average is across the type, and where they are ranked. (See below for a spoiler)
Also, the dual type chart now has links in the PKMN
column to view all the Pokemon of that type combination. So if you've looked at the chart and wondered which Pokemon is Fire/Electric type?
you can click the number 1 next to that row and see that it's Rotom Heat form!
And finally, a belated Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a Happy New Year to all our visitors! We have lots of new additions coming up in 2013 so stay tuned!
A few Black & White 2 updates
Site Updates — 19 October, 2012
Hope everyone is enjoying Pokemon Black and White 2! I've just added a few more details and corrections to our pages:
- A Medals page, detailing every one of the 255 Medals available in the game and how to obtain them.
- List of TMs with their locations in BW2. We are working through this to add even more detailed locations.
- Pokedex descriptions for BW2 are now in the Pokedex. These were taken direct from the game so are actually correct, unlike most other sites.
- The Black/White 2 Pokedex has been fixed to include Genesect. Turns out they lied to us and there are 301 Pokemon in the new Unova dex, not 300 ;)
- Official Genesect artwork added to its Pokedex page.
- EV yields updated for the new forms in BW2.
Pokemon Black & White 2 released, plus 3DS apps and events!
Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 — 14 October, 2012
We're a little late since I have just been on holiday for two weeks, but the new Pokemon games - Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2 - have been released this past week! They include new areas of Unova, new characters, a [local Pokedex of 301 Pokemon](/pokedex/game/black-white-2" title="View full Black/White 2 Pokedex) from all generations, and an epic plot! Absolutely worth getting as soon as possible.
![Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 logos](https://img.pokemondb.net/images/black-white-2/bw2-logo-en.jpg)
Additionally, the mythical Pokemon Genesect is available at launch from a wifi event. It is level 15 and has the moves Magnet Bomb, SolarBeam, Signal Beam and its signature move Techno Blast. Simply go to Mystery Gift in the menu then Receive via Nintendo WFC. It is only available until November 12th, so get it while you can!
And that's not all! If you own a 3DS you can download two new Pokemon apps. The first is Pokemon Dream Radar, an Augmented Reality game that allows you to capture Pokemon as if they were right in front of you! The game also allows capture of the legendary Pokemon Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus in their new Therian Forme. You can trade them to your Black 2 or White 2 game, then use a new item called the Reveal Glass to keep them in that form.
The second 3DS app is Pokedex 3D Pro, an upgraded version of the free Pokedex 3D that was released last year. It contains all 649 Pokemon viewable in 3D and plenty of details on their moves, abilities, etc.
Keldeo event upcoming at Gamestop/Game stores
Pokémon Events — 21 August, 2012
Nintendo has announced a new event! The Amazing Colt Pokémon
Keldeo will be available in most branches of Gamestop in America. In Canada, it is available from EB Games stores, while in the UK you can get it in Game and Gamestation shops.
![Keldeo Pokemon event](https://img.pokemondb.net/news/2012/keldeo-event.jpg)
It will know the moves Aqua Jet, Leer, Double Kick and BubbleBeam. The event runs from August 27th to October 6th in USA/Canada, and September 1st to October 11th in the UK. Simply take your DS and copy of Pokemon Black or Pokemon White to your local store on that date, in the menu select Mystery Gift
then Receive via Wireless
Furthermore, when Keldeo is transferred to Pokemon Black 2 or Pokemon White 2 (which are released later in the year), it will be able to learn the special move Secret Sword and change to Resolute Form.
For those with the Japanese versions of Pokemon BW2, the legendary Pokemon Genesect has also been released over wi-fi! This obviously implies that English games will get the same event before the year is out.
Pokemon Black 2 & White 2 trailer
Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 — 10 July, 2012
Nintendo have released a new trailer for Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2. Here it is:
The games are due to be released October 7th in North America and October 12th in Europe. We already have all the important information online, ready and waiting for when you get your copy!
Black & White 2 location guide online
Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 — 30 June, 2012
Just a quick post to say we have added Pokemon locations for Black 2 and White 2! In our location guide you can check out the new and updated routes to see which Pokemon appear where and how. A few Pokemon are missing, mainly 'interactable' legendaries, but these will be added asap.
We are also planning more work on the section to clean it up and make it as simple as possible to understand. If you have any suggestions/corrections, post in this thread on Meta-Pokebase.
Popular Quick-Links
- #248 Tyranitar
- #445 Garchomp
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- #887 Dragapult
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