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Type: Null and Jangmo-o evolutions revealed in new video
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 14 October, 2016
New Pokémon have been revealed in the latest official announcement:
- Silvally is the evolution of Type: Null. It stays Normal type by default but its ability Rks System changes its type based on the held item. It also has a unique move Multi Attack that matches whatever Silvally's current type is.
- Hakamo-o is the evolution of Jangmo-o. It's Dragon/Fighting type and has the ability Bulletproof or Soundproof.
- Kommo-o is the next evolution and has the same type/ability as Hakamo-o. It has a unique move, Clanging Scales.
- Steenee is the evolution of Bounsweet. It stays Grass type with the Leaf Guard/Oblivious ability.
- Tsareena is the next evolution, Grass type and has the ability Leaf Guard or the new ability Queenly Majesty which appears to block priority moves. It also has a unique move, Trop Kick, which appears to be a Grass-type kicking move.
- Ribombee is the evolution of Cutiefly. It stays Bug/Fairy with the Honey Gather or Shield Dust ability.
- Alola Forms were confirmed for Grimer and Muk. They are Poison/Dark and have the ability Poison Touch or Gluttony.
Jangmo-o and Type: Null evolutions revealed in CoroCoro
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 13 October, 2016
Following the reveal of Alolan Grimer yesterday, the rest of CoroCoro has now leaked and reveals evolutions for Jangmo-o and Type: Null.
![Jarango, Jararanga](https://img.pokemondb.net/news/2016/jarango-jararanga-corocoro.jpg)
Jangmo-o, Jarango and Jararanga (from right to left)
and Jararanga
(Japanese names) are the evolutions of Jangmo O and are Dragon/Fighting type.
The evolution of Type: Null is Silvadi
(Japanese name). It has an ability AR System
which works very similarly to Arceus' Multitype, allowing Silvadi to change its type based on a held item called Memory
. It also has a new attack that changes type based on the Memory.
There is more information due to be revealed tomorrow (Friday at 6m PT / 9am ET / 2pm BST / 10pm JST), so we may get the English names for all of the above.
Alolan Grimer revealed in CoroCoro
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 12 October, 2016
The first page from CoroCoro magazine has been leaked and shows the Alolan Form of Grimer, which is Poison/Dark type.
![Alolan Grimer](https://img.pokemondb.net/news/2016/alolan-grimer.jpg)
There should be more to come so keep checking back. CoroCoro is due to have more information on Type: Null.
Pokémon Sun/Moon starter evolutions revealed!
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 04 October, 2016
A new video has been released by TPCi, showing the second stages of the starter Pokémon in Sun/Moon, as well as new features and an upcoming demo!
The starter middle stages are:
- Dartrix, which remains Grass/Flying type.
- Torracat, which remains Fire type.
- Brionne, which remains Water type.
Also revealed is Festival Plaza, a place where you can play using communication features. Coins can be earned by completing various challenges, and Pokémon's base stats can be increased.
New Pokémon Lycanroc, Passimian & Oranguru revealed in latest trailer
General News — 20 September, 2016
A new trailer for Pokémon Sun & Moon has been released, showing version-exclusive Pokémon.
- Passimian is a monkey Pokémon with a new ability Receiver, which gives it the ability of a teammate when the teammate faints. Exclusive to Sun.
- Oranguru is another monkey Pokémon with the ability Inner Focus or Telepathy. It has a new move Instruct which allows a teammate to attack again instead of Oranguru. Exclusive to Moon.
- Lycanroc is the evolution of Rockruff, and has two forms exclusive to each version. Pokémon Sun has Midday Form with the ability Keen Eye or Sand Rush, while Pokémon Moon has Midnight Form with the ability Keen Eye or Vital Spirit. Both remain Rock type.
New exclusive Z-Moves were revealed for Pikachu and Eevee. Pikachu can use Catastropika while Eevee can use Extreme Evoboost.
Rockruff evolution and more Ultra Beasts revealed
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 15 September, 2016
CoroCoro leaked recently and revealed new Ultra Beasts, as well as the secret
behind Rockruff's evolution. This was followed up by an official announcement of the new Ultra Beasts:
They are UB-02 Absorption which is exclusive to Pokemon Sun, and UB-02 Beauty which is exclusive to Pokemon Moon. In the video we see the Ultra Beasts in a battle with Hala and his Tapu Koko.
New Pokémon Type: Null and Jangmo-o revealed
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 06 September, 2016
New Pokémon and features for Pokémon Sun & Pokémon Moon have been revealed in a new video from The Pokémon Company International.
New Pokémon revealed:
- Type: Null is Normal type with the ability Battle Armor.
- Jangmo-o is Dragon type and has the ability Bulletproof or Soundproof.
- Alolan Raticate is Dark/Normal like its predecessor, Alolan Rattata.
Pokémon Sun & Moon are to be set 12 hours part, so it looks like Moon takes place at night while Sun takes place during the day.
There is a new organisation, The Aether Foundation, which take care of Pokémon on the artificial island in the middle of Alola.
A new concept Ultra Beasts
is revealed, with a Pokémon named UB-01 being the first shown. We'll bring more on this feature as it comes.
Alolan Rattata & new Z-Moves revealed in Nintendo 3DS Direct
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 01 September, 2016
The latest Nintendo Direct has just aired and it revealed a new Alolan form for Rattata. It is Dark/Normal type and has the ability Gluttony or Hustle. It's said that Yungoos was introduced to Alola to combat the Rattata population, but instead Rattata changed its type to scare off Yungoos.
![Alolan Rattata](https://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/rattata-alolan.jpg)
It was also revealed that several Pokémon have their own unique Z-Moves. Two examples are Alolan Raichu which has Stoked Sparksurfer and Snorlax, which has Pulverizing Pancake.
New Pokémon Crabrawler revealed at Pokémon World Championships
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 19 August, 2016
The Pokémon World Championships have just got underway and a new Pokémon was revealed in their opening ceremony. Crabrawler is a Fighting type crab and has the ability Hyper Cutter or Iron Fist.
UPDATE: TPCi have released a video showing off Crabrawler, as well as the Pokémon that were revealed last week in CoroCoro:
- Sandygast and Palossand are the sandcastle Pokémon. Their ability is Water Compaction, which raises the Pokémon's Defense when hit by a Water-type moves.
- Stufful is the pre-evolution of Bewear.
New Pokémon Turtonator revealed at Gamescom
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 18 August, 2016
At the Gamescom trade fair in Germany, a new Pokémon was revealed. It is named Turtonator and is Fire/Dragon type. An official English video has also been released:
Turtonator has the ability Shell Armor and a new move Shell Trap that sets a trap and deals damage to the opponent when Turtonator is hit by a Physical move.
New Pokémon confirmed: Wishiwashi, Pyukumuku, Morelull, Alolan forms
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 11 August, 2016
The new Pokémon and Alolan forms leaked yesterday have now been officially confirmed in a new video:
To recap, they are Wishiwashi (Water), Pyukumuku (Water), Morelull (Grass/Fairy), Alolan Meowth (Dark), Alolan Marowak (Fire/Ghost), and Alolan Raichu (Electric/Psychic).
The evil team is also confirmed as Team Skull
, with Plumeria and Guzma being two key members.
English names and Alolan Raichu leaked online
Pokémon Sun & Moon — 10 August, 2016
Images from an upcoming official announcement video have leaked online. These all appear to be legit but are not 100% confirmed.
The fish with the school form is known as Wishiwashi and is Water type with the ability Schooling. The sea cucumber is called Pyukumuku and is Water type with the ability Innards Out. There is a new mushroom Pokémon called Morelull which is Grass/Fairy type. And Raichu appears to have a new Alolan Form: it's Electric/Psychic and has a new ability Surge Surfer.
We'll bring more details when we can. Here are the leaked images:
![Wishiwashi Solo Form](https://img.pokemondb.net/news/2016/wishiwashi-solo.jpg)
Wishiwashi Solo Form
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