Beautiful Beach

Below are the details for the Beautiful Beach route in the Pokéwalker peripheral, and a list of the wild Pokémon that may appear.

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Route details

Unlock criteria 200 Watts (Pre-National Dex)
Advantageous types Electric Grass Dragon
Description This beautiful sea is a popular place for a Stroll. You can meet many Water-type Pokémon.

Available items

Item Steps
Fresh Water 0
Rawst Berry 100
Soda Pop 800
Aspear Berry 1,000
Full Heal 1,500
Leppa Berry 1,800
Heart Scale 2,000
Blue Shard 3,000
Big Pearl 4,000
Dive Ball 5,000

Pokémon list

The Pokémon available on this route are below, with the number of steps required under normal conditions and if your Pokémon has a beneficial type.

Pokémon Lvl. Group Steps Adv. Steps
Sunkern Sunkern 6 C 0 0
Wooper Wooper 6 C 0 0
Slowpoke Slowpoke 8 B 1,000 750
Poliwag Poliwag 8 B 1,500 1,125
Psyduck Psyduck 10 A 4,000 3,000
Staryu Staryu 10 A 5,000 3,750