Yeah, I'm waiting a bit longer to do another one of those. Seeing how the last round of promotions went, I'm pretty happy to leave things closer to a year than six months -- but yeah the intent of the system is that we never go low on auth again, so I'll be making sure another one of those threads goes up in the next few months.
For now, I'm going to keep adding stuff to the DB Discord, so hopefully everything else follows once that is nice and stable.
Jan 4, 2019
1. But it is! FlapersFlapers is a girl too.
2. Whoa :O.
Jan 4, 2019
The DB's Discord would be the exact opposite of "privatized", so I don't plan on joining or moderating there for that reason. :P
Jan 3, 2019
I think that an item that isn't Eviolite will make Litten too weak for the meta atm. :P
It may be difficult to represent you and be very useful in the Meta. Finding a middle ground - half you half meta - may help, but that isn't my decision. :P
Here are how differenty Litten and Torrocat take attacks with/without Eviolite:
252+ Atk Technician Stakataka Accelerock vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Litten: 264-312 (89.7 - 106.1%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Technician Stakataka Accelerock vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Litten: 176-210 (59.8 - 71.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Technician Stakataka Accelerock vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Torracat: 236-278 (70.6 - 83.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Technician Stakataka Accelerock vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Torracat: 158-188 (47.3 - 56.2%) -- 82% chance to 2HKO
Just something to consider. Take as long as you need (unless you need an eternity). :P
Jan 3, 2019
Did you know that KRLW890 is a girl?
Ignore this post.
Jan 3, 2019
Did you know that Pikachu and Eevee got new art?
Jan 1, 2019
To simply put it, I write long high quality stuff slowly rather than short fast stuff. I type too slowly, so I prefer to make it the best as possible. To become a long posts person, you must type enough long posts to be recognized for it. Undoubtedly, I became recognized for ':P' before I did long posts. :P
Yes, I am not a medium guy, I am a well done lad. :P
I think I am more of a friendly wall than an Angel, but I appreciate the complement.
I could definitely add you to the roster, but I'd need a set. The only reason I didn't add you yet is because I want you to make your own set.
As for are you a Torrocat or Litten, I think your both. Litten reflects your calm demeanor and childhood, while Torrocat shows you as an energetic, adventurous kid tiger. Torrocat is probably better to use if you want to be stronger (probably holding an Eviolite), but that is up to you. :P
Hive minds can still have personality. Some bee hives are more aggressive than others. Aren't you glad that I am a friendly Stakataka rather than an angry Stakataka. :P
Mrrawrr :3
Dec 31, 2018
I believe I have ticks, winking my eye or however you call it (one eye closed rapidly, other eye halfway through), and you like shoulder up.
Isn't that cool.
Dec 30, 2018
Syl ™