Strawberry Shortcake :3
Oct 23, 2022
Mr. Fish
How the hell do you not know what roasting is?
(Oh, and in case you ask me to explain it, NO! Figure it out, stupid.)
Oct 22, 2022
Mr. Fish
Yuya, when you are in chat with certain members, things tend to get a little... messy... So yeah, I think you do roast others.
Oct 21, 2022
Girie-kins <3
(Lamenting Lourds)
Oct 20, 2022
Something I couldn't say earlier in chat, among other things, due to stinkernet, is: You should be roasting someone rn. That was meant to be posted after that last comment I made earlier.
Oct 20, 2022
Name: Biff Ball
Start: Super Mario Land
So we have another Goombo page. Bullet Biff is just another enemy found in Sarasaland and is a current enemy, but something else. But it is interesting if we talk about the ball instead of the mushroom.
It can be understood that different parts have different characteristics. That's how evolution works. They are suitable for different situations and ultimately they are different from each other. I have no doubt that some of the young mushrooms ended up in the Mushroom Kingdom and some in Sarasaland and changed between Goomba and Goomba for generations.
But ball! Do these bullets contain DNA? Are they living things? What can cause different ball sizes? Buffs shoot bullets out of the barrel and back inside. Is it some kind of life struggle? Protection from hunting bullets?
I know without a doubt. But for some reason this thought bothered me so much that I didn't seem to notice until I was about to type. Thank you very much.
Oct 19, 2022
Mr. Fish