PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Gau (page 81)

Old BM was sickeningly positive
Nov 6, 2022 by BM™
Nov 6, 2022 by SSWD
Barraskewda moveset:

Dex DA National Offensive Pole:

Paraskveda @ heavy boots
The ability to swim quickly
Light degree: 252 attacks / 4 speeds / 252 speeds
He is happy by nature
Flexibility and change
- water source
- Game Over
Dementia/nausea/freezing/poison ivy

The RU Dex National Emergency is currently closed as of this writing. This is an attack base that Paraskevda can use in NatDex RU. Uses Flip to damage Barasqueda while in the lane. Waterfall at Baraskevda STAB, although you can use water if you prefer. Baraskeda provides excellent cover against melee Pokemon such as Kobalion, Jarud, Registel and Empoleon. Baraskevda - the latest used slot machine with everything you need. Psychic Fangs can defeat Chesnot and Roserad quite well. Crunch benefits Pokemon like Azelf, Metagrass, and Stormy. Ice Fang targets Pokemon like Flygon and Noivern. Poison strikes can strike Tojikis, Sylvian, and stars such as Gardevoire and Chesnot. Poison gab contains 30% of the poison and is sometimes useful. Jolly Nature makes Barasqueda run as fast as possible. This combo is aggressive because heavy boots are a thing so Barasqueda is recommended to avoid damage.
Nov 6, 2022 by -RisingManectric-
Wildlings. Also, I have a Haxorus moveset:

National Team Dex Monotype Choice (Dragon)

Capacity: Shapepiece
Electric Car: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Happiness is nature
- First impression
- rage
- earthquake
- Poisonous stain

Haxorus has a special role as the user team of choice for Dragon teams in Natdex Monotype. The main reason for this is the team's first appearance First Impression allows Haxorus to retrieve and kill the fastest Pokemon, which will be enhanced by Choice Band attacks and Haxorus Base 147. Fury is a very powerful STAB attack that returns When caught by an Earthquake Pokemon, it protects against such metals , such as Escadrill, Heatran, Klefki, and Agislash. Due to mold damage, earthquake face washing and warming can be very effective. Poison Jab can damage Haxorus which is very effective against fairies like Tapu Bulu, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, and Azumaril.
Nov 6, 2022 by -RisingManectric-
King of walls tbh
Nov 6, 2022 by SSWD
Gauffles and Pogocakes
Nov 6, 2022 by BM™
Nov 5, 2022 by Icyyyy
Nov 5, 2022 by VinnyHedgehog
I asked "are you sure".

Nov 5, 2022 by Mr. Fish
I made the mistake of asking a Magic 8 Ball some question.

1. Am I a simp?
A. My sources say no

2. Am I crushing on anyone?
A. Yes

3. Is it Giru?
A. Most likely

I am sad now ;-;
Nov 5, 2022 by Mr. Fish