Kitty-Cat Landorus-T
When I abandoned the whole idea of the Smogon project 7 months ago, I used and liked the powder so much that it took me a long time to finish it. I understand that Smogon has the same features as the Landorus-T review page, but I've never used Smogon for anything other than navigation, which is pretty simple. After some fun, I named it Kit-Kat after a cat based on Landorus-T, as well as my love of Kit-Kat bars.
Kit-Kat (Landorus-T) @ Kit-Kat
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Traits: Fear
EVS: 68 HP / 252 HP / 184 rpm
Adaptive behavior (+Atk, -SAtk) .
- Sword dance
- Stone from Poland
- Earthquake
- Next to the rock
Title: Do you want Lando to stop with the popsicle stick? It's a shame that Yache Berry allows him to take ice cubes in the cooldown, which means they turn into ice cubes and he can never get to them. This gives you a good amount of leveling so you can damage anything with ice and ice HP (not STAB oc).
Power: Gives Lando the power to come and possess Terrakion/Tyranitart/Saks/etc. This new feature is important because it can take on other similar features.
EV: the main move is EV speed, which is Cloyster's speed +2, and most of all Pokemon Scarfed Base 110 can move speed (behind). red stone etc). And yes, I know Cloyster's +2 RP boost is useless, but it's already there, don't go crazy about it :D. One is to increase Kitty's attack, the other is to restore HP.
Ed: The good thing about this book is that it does so well. light box? No need to RP, just SD. Are you fast but slow or slow? Go to SD and go to RP. Sword Dance Lando 854 Atk and Rock Polish 526 Speed. Earthquake stab and well before Swords Dance and Stone Edge hit the Ice-type Pokemon and split the tide.
Dec 6, 2022
Mr. Fish
How does Curion salt change?
The use of salt is not limited. Even in this game, Curio Salt's effect persists until Pelipper is defeated. There is no scaling for the number of illusory curses activated, the healing effect is multiplied by salt.
Is it binding (ie prevents the price from changing)? or not, the enemy will stumble and meet another enemy?
There is no solution for all this as the link can be found in the post:
converted to 12”.
Kartana carries the holy sword!
it doesn't work
(King Garganacle loses 12% health!)
Use salt and pepper on Garganaclo!
it doesn't work
(Cardana loses 7.7% health!)
I woke up with four salts!
Enemies get more corpses from HP and Garganakle!
Greeting cards!
Palace 13
Kartana carries the holy sword!
it doesn't work
(People who attack Garganacul will lose 13% health!
Your opponent uses the Garganacl that I have!
Restore HP of enemies Garganacles.
Greeting cards!
14 applications
Cardano recipe!
afraid! must work soon!
Garganacl's enemies use Iron Defense!
Garganacl said nothing in defense of his enemy!
Kartana does this despite being hit by Salt Curing. When Swampert transformed, the healing effects of the salt had no effect on him. However, if you switch teams and Garganacl uses Curion Salt as a switch at the same time, your teammate will destroy the Curion Salt chip.
TL; Healing DR Salt acts as a spiritual curse. The effects of Curion salt last as long as the Pokemon is affected. You can change the half salt after clicking, which removes the half salt effect. This means that if Garganacl does not use the rare salt in the Castle, the rare salt will not cause new friendly violence.
Dec 6, 2022
Mr. Fish
Team Dex UU placed ninth
Select Bachcalibur Group @.
Function: burning heat
Type of fire: fire / electric
EV: 252 Atk/4 SpD/252 pets
the eternal nature
- Arm attacks
- I believe in ice cream
- Window cover
- Major earthquake/explosion
National Board of Elections Dex UU. Chorus is used to raise Baxcalibur's base attack to 145, causing Baxcalibur to talk. Glaive Rush smiled at the powerful dragon. Ice STAB destroys ice. Ice Shard is similar to STAB Ice, it can kill Pokemon like Turbo Therian instead of Terra Dragonite or Thunderus. Simple defense should have different mechanics like Aegislash, Magnezone, Jirachi, Mega Mawile, unless you want Terra Blast instead of Baxcalibur. If you use Terran Blast, use fire or lightning depending on the type of Terran. Fire Terra Blast combines Scizor with Celesteela for greater power. You can use Electric Terra Blast on BoltBeam (IceBlast in this case?). The team uses the Adamant method to hit Baxcalibur harder, so now the Sticky Web helps Baxcalibur work faster.
Dec 6, 2022
Mr. Fish
doki doki literature club be fun game
that will make you not sleep for multiple days
Dec 6, 2022
Ikr if you want I can link it
Dec 6, 2022
Want a break from the ads?
Dec 5, 2022
well i dont mind hearing it from someone else bbut i havent beaten it yet, i got scarlet and i have only beaten starfall street and path of legends
Dec 5, 2022