Thanks! I feel accomplished now. Also, a little late, but congrats on 2,000 points as well!
Jun 27, 2020
'Kay. Y, I am eagerly anticipating fanfic updates. I have plenty of squigglies waiting.
(PS: I just thought of something cool. At some point in the fanfic, someone could say "You're a crazy girl, Pika.", as a reference to my future name. Just an idea.)
Jun 27, 2020
The Glazio News
So now I've decided to resume my quest for a near-perfect IVs Modest HA Eevee. For some reason, all the Eevee's IVs suck. Now I see why I put it on hold. So I'll be doing that for a while. Chao news is that the two Chao I'm raising finally bred. Yay. Fanfic news doesn't exist. See ya!
Jun 26, 2020
Last night, I was listening to Theme of Shadow. And one thing I like to do while listening to it is to imagine a bunch of scenes from and related to your fanfic. It's odd, but it's very fun to imagine.
It starts off with the view (or something like that) going through space towards the world of Pokemon. It flies through the clouds and appears with an overview of Alola. Then it goes to a city (I assume Hau'oli City), and after a few scenes of random people, Trainers, buildings, and Pokemon, it dramatically zooms into Lexi (and by into, I don't mean inside of). When the distorted-sounding singing starts, it shows Lexi being slashed at by Sneasel, Destiny Fye watching, Pika arriving, and Professor Kukui getting Bullet Punched in the face while Lexi and Pika laugh. The clear singing starts, and we get the characters dancing (no, I'm dead serious). Then it goes into a purely music section of the song, and we get Lexi, Pika, and Wally Mega Evolving their Lucario, Manectric, and Gallade respectively (OK, I dunno if Riolu's gonna evolve into Lucario, and I doubt she'll ever Mega Evolve, but I just thought it looked cool), as well as seeing some Totem Pokemon. Then it goes back into the clear singing, and more dancing. Then the song ends with them all striking poses.
All right, I know it's a bit out-of-place with the whole "sinister and serious music going into a view of the beautiful, warm, tropical region of Alola" thing, but what else would I have put in there? I really couldn't think of anything. It does seem weird with the music and singing, but the mind animation or whatever actually goes along with the beat or melody or whatever pretty well. I sometimes mean to put in a scene of Pika breaking that lamp in between seeing Pika for the first time and Professor Kukui getting attacked, but I always forget and accidentally put it in afterwards. My brain ain't perfect. It is pretty cute, though, so I wish I could animate it, but I can't, since I suck at any sort of drawing. Drawing a Pokemon anime-like scene would be impossible for me. Aw well, at least it can look nice in my mind. What do you think of it?
Jun 26, 2020