I knew you'd mention that at some point.
The reason I still call you Giru, is that as far as I can tell, you haven't shown any distaste to it. If you ask me to stop. I would.
But I've shown annoyance to CS several times now.
Dec 11, 2022
Mr. Fish
They'd just call you Akira I guess. Or Pogo. Or Giru. Whichever one they like best.
Dec 10, 2022
Mr. Fish
)tolls dyes at self$sorry about not doing the I car apart. I was kind of silly of me.. I imaine Afferblaze has hatd green eyes and Ashfrost has soft loght gray/blue
Meant sleek not sweet he’s a big kitty and it’s all muscle
I don’t know if it’s answers the question, but I sort of imagine the relationship between two of them asGaston, Affrtblaze, trying to get Belle,Ashfrost he thinks she’s the best and that he deserves the best but she absolutely hates him. Well, she’s gonna hate him. She just doesn’t like him.like at all
And OK just wanted to be sure we had a medicine cat because I couldn’t remember if we did but now I knowXD
Dec 10, 2022
Dyla N
you hath been dubbed “pogo supremacist”
Dec 10, 2022
Primarina: "I WHIP my hair back and forth."
Dec 10, 2022
Jasone Anderson
Then you have your answer. People would call you Pogo.
And Giru.
Dec 10, 2022
Mr. Fish
"If my username was Pogoakira, would people call me Akira instead of Kira?"
No. We'd call you Giru.
Dec 10, 2022
Mr. Fish
OK here comes number two
She has white fur with gray ears and tail, she’s small but quick.
She’s calm… lost of the time but Adderblaze, who has been of a crush on her, yes under
And annoys her so much you’ll pay attention to him. he tries to not give into what he wants. sometimes she has no choice or he will just annoy everyone else around them. he, however, does not return the infection at all.
I also just realized do we have a medicine cat?
Dec 10, 2022
Dyla N