PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
5 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

It is helpful to note that these games were released prior to the Gen 4 physical-special split. Every Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Dark, Ice and Dragon move is Special, and all others are Physical in these games.

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60 Answers

1 vote

Here is my throw into the best in-game team for Fire Red/Leaf Green. This team has only one version exclusive that is easy to swap and manages to do fantastic against the entire game.

Venusaur (Grass/Poison)
Razor Leaf/Sleep Powder/Strength/Leech Seed

Although it lacks Poison STAB and has it's main STAB resisted by a chunk of the game, Venusaur's early game dominance makes it by far the best starter choice for in-game. Razor Leaf's slight power drop compared to Giga Drain is more than made up for by it's much higher PP and crit increase. Sleep Powder allows Venusaur to incapacitate anything slower than it and allows it to even cheese certain matchups thanks to sleep being broken. Strength is filler, but it allows for easier HM usage and has ok coverage with Razor Leaf. The last slot is used for Leech Seed, which when combined with Sleep Powder allows for insane chip damage.

Earthquake/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Megahorn

Nidoking shines as arguably the best mixed sweeper in Kanto thanks to it's early evolution and great stats that let it shine through the entire game, as well as a powerful movepool to use those stats. Earthquake shines as a fantastic STAB move against the Elite Four; Dig can be utilized until then for a similar effect. The combination of Thunderbolt and Ice Beam form the BoltBeam combo, allowing Nidoking to gain perfect coverage with Earthquake to sweep many dangerous fights such as Lance and the Rival. For the final slot, Megahorn can allow Nidoking to pierce the few Psychics that can stop it's rampage, although Alakazam will still outspeed and OHKO.

Return/Drill Peck/Fly/Hyper Beam

Dodrio blazes into the battlefield as Kanto's fiercest flier, shining with fantastic attack and speed. Return is Dodrio's most reliable STAB, allowing it to pummel anything not resisting the move. Drill Peck is the main reason to use Dodrio over fliers like Golbat and Fearow; it hits harder than Fly and is one turn. Fly might seem odd when we have Drill Peck, but it's more for HM utility than anything else. Finally, Hyper Beam functions as a psuedo-Explosion, allowing for incredible damage but at the cost of Dodrio's life usually.

Fire Red: Starmie(Water/Psychic)
Surf/Psychic/Rain Dance/Thunder

Starmie sparkles as a fantastic Water Type with a fantastic speed stat and solid Special Attack. Surf and Psychic are it's main STAB moves and allow it to take on the late-game with little struggle. Since BoltBeam has been relegated to Nidoking and it can't learn Calm Mind, Starmie instead uses Rain Dance to power up Surf into nuclear territory. It also allows free spam of Thunder, becoming a 100% accurate 120 BP Electric attack.

Leaf Green: Lapras(Water/Ice)
Surf/Ice Beam/Thunder/Rain Dance

While not as fast or as strong as Starmie, Lapras makes for a great choice if you are just playing Leaf Green. Surf and Ice Beam function as Lapras's main STAB moves. In a similar vein to Lapras, Rain Dance and Thunder are used to power up Surf and abuse Thunder.

With these 4 mons in hand, nothing in Kanto can stand up to their power. Thanks to EXP managment, all 4 should be easy to catch up as soon as you get them as well. Have fun!

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Dodrio, Starmie, and Lapras's sprites don't work.
Starmie is exclusive to LeafGreen rather than FireRed, just letting you know.
1 vote

After finishing the main story of FireRed, I found that it's easier to use 1-2 battling Pokemon rather than 6. This will allow you to level up easier and use actual good moves on the Pokemon. So here is the team:

Ability: Torrent
- Surf (HM)
- Ice Beam (TM, buy at Game Corner)
- Bite (level up)
- Brick Break (TM, buy at Celadon's Dept. Store)

I did this playthrough with Blastoise as my starter. Surf provides a nice STAB. Ice Beam provides coverage against Erika's Grass-types and Lance's Dragonair and Dragonite. Bite is useful vs Misty's Starmie, and is pretty much a filler move after that, unless you use it for Psychic- and Ghost- types. Brick Break is honestly a filler move.

Ability: Poison Point
- Earthquake (TM, given after beating Viridian Gym)
- Thunderbolt (TM, buy at Game Corner)
- Ice Beam (TM, buy at Game Corner)
- Shadow Ball (TM, buy at Game Corner) / Surf (HM)

Nidoking is a pretty good mixed attacker despite the lower base special attack. Do note, with only using Nidoking and Blastoise as the battle Pokemon, they will level up rather quickly, which makes up for that. Earthquake is a strong STAB move. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam form the BoltBeam combo which provides Nidoking a lot of coverage vs lots of Pokemon such as Gyarados, Aerodactyl, Slowbro, Dragonair, Dragonite, etc. Shadow Ball provides coverage against Sabrina's Psychic types and Agatha's Haunter and Gengar. Surf can be used instead if you decide to choose a different starter or just want to have Nidoking as the battle Pokemon.

- Fly
- Tackle

The rest of the slots are used for HM slaves. Pidgey is able to be caught at Route 1 after you get Pokeballs. Pidgey is used as the Fly user, which is why I didn't give it a full moveset, as it will have Tackle upon catching it.

- Cut
- [filler]
- [filler]
- [filler]

Diglett is used as the Cut user and can be found near Vermillion City in Diglett Tunell. The rest of the moves are just dependent on what level you caught Diglett.

- Strength
- Defense Curl
- Tackle
- Mud Sport

Geodude is the Strength user and can be found in Mt. Moon. Rest of the moves are from when you catch Geodude.

Tip: to get money to get enough coins, have only one HM slave after you beat 4 of 5 trainers on Nugget Bridge, and purposefully lose to the 5th trainer. That way, you can get a lot of Nuggets and then sell them for money.

So, yeah, I only used 5 Pokemon. 2 battling Pokemon, and 3 HM slaves. I had a lot of fun using this team. If you decide to use this team, good luck and have fun! :)

Why do I feel like teams with less than 6 battling Pokemon became a lot more common after I posted that HGSS team?
0 votes

here is my current elite 4 team for leaf green.

  • Blastoise
  • Jolteon
  • Hitmonchan
  • Dodrio
  • Exeggutor
  • Rhydon

Hydro cannon/ Hydro Pump
Blizzard/Ice Beam
A move that complements its nature( skull Bash etc..)/ Rain Dance

Surf is obvious, STAB+a powerful move+over-world use. Hydro cannon/ pump is there to deal with the foes that you think you can one hit. So Bruno, Koga etc. Blizzard/ice beam for coverage against your rival. Blastoise is mixed so its nature should determine its next move. Or Raindance for Thunder.


T-bolt for reliable STAB and shockwave as a back up. Thunder should be used to take on large foes like lorelies Lapras. This thing is very speedy so agility is not needed. I would go for signal beam.

Sky Uppercut
Brick Break
Thunder Punch/ Ice Punch

Sky uppercut to deal with risky foes like Blues Pidgoet +STAB. Brick Break for STAB and Mega Punch as a backup. Thunder/Ice punch for coverage, I go Ice but it's up to you.

Steel wing
Aerial Ace

Fly for overworld use and a good, strong STAB move. Aerial ace for a never miss STAB move. Steel Wing for coverage and an all round good move. Tri attack for STAB and a chance to burn, paralyses or freeze.

Giga Drain
Solar Beam
Egg Bomb

Psychic and Solar beam for powerful STAB moves. Egg Bomb, if the nature supports it, can be devastating. Giga Drain for STAb recovery.

Horn drill

E-quake and rock blast for powerful STAb moves. Takedown for foes that resist your other moves. Finally, as a last line of defence, horndrill for 1HKO's on foes you out level.

0 votes

Best Team: Charizard, Nidoking, Starmie, Jolteon, Dragonite, Bellsprout (HM Slave)

Charizard: Flamethrower, Fly, Dragon Claw, Strength

When you get Charmander it can take on the first gym as it learns Metal Claw to kill the Rock Types. Then, as you come out of Mt. Moon, there is a move tutor that can teach it Mega Kick - For the second Gym. It can defeat these types with its moves: Grass, Ice, Steel, Bug, Fighting and Dragon. It is weak to: Water, Rock and Electric.

Nidoking: Earthquake, Shadow Ball, Megahorn and Rock Slide. Catch a NidoranFemale before you go into Mt. Moon. Then when you take the underground tunnel, trade for a NidoranMale - NidoranMale has better attack, plus from the trade it will gain boosted EXP. It can defeat these types with its moves: Rock, Fire, Steel, Electric, Ghost, Psychic, Dark, Grass, Ice, Flying and Bug. It is weak to: Water, Ice, Psychic and Ground.

Starmie: Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam and Confuse Ray. Catch a Staryu in Verilimon City and evolve it with a Water Stone. Starmie is very fast and has really high special attack. It can defeat these types with its moves: Fire, Rock, Ground, Poison, Fighting, Flying, Dragon and Grass. It is weak to: Electric, Grass, Dark, Ghost and Bug.

Jolteon: Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunder Wave and Hyper Beam. In Celadon City, in a building, there is an Eevee - evolve it to Jolteon with a Thunder Stone. Jolteon has extremely high special attack and will out speed almost anything. It can defeat these types with its moves: Water and Flying.It is weak to: Ground.

Dragonite: Outrage, Fly, WaterFall, Flamethrower. Catch a Dratini/Dragonair in the Safari Zone. Very powerful. It can defeat these types with its moves: Dragon, Grass, Fighting, Bug, Rock, Ground, Fire, Steel and Ice. It is weak to: Dragon, Ice and Rock.

Bellsprout (HM Slave): Cut, Flash, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder. Bellsprout can use Cut to get you through small trees and Flash for dark caves. You can catch it in Cerulean City.

0 votes

-Dragon Rage
-Blast Burn (from the old lady in Cape Brink on Two Island)

Jolteon (Speed Freak)
-Shadow Ball
-Quick Attack

-Ice Beam
-Hydro Pump
-Sheer Cold

-Wing Attack
- Hyper Beam

-Aerial Ace
-Wing Attack

-Sludge Bomb
-Giga Drain
-Sleep Powder

Level all your Pokemon to level 60 - 70 before challenging the Elite Four. Route 15 is an excellent training ground. Use your VS Seeker.

In challenging the Elite Four (their Pokemon's levels ranges from levels 50- 65):
Loreli - Ice Type
You need: Electric type / Fighting type (Electric type is enough because most of the Pokemon she uses are more of a water type than an ice type)

Bruno - Fighting Type
You need: Water type (for his Steelix. He's got two of them) / Flying type (for the rest of his Pokemon)

Agatha - Ghost Type
You need: Ghost type / Dark type (or a Pokemon that knows Bite or Shadow Ball)

Lance - Dragon Type
You need: Ice type (for his Dragonites) / Water type (for his Aerodactyl) / Electric type (for his Gyarados and Kingdra)

Champion - Any Type
If your starter is Charmander,
You need: Electric type / Grass type (for Blastoise and Pidgeot), Dark type / Ghost type (for Alakazam and Exeggutor), Water type (for Rhydon and Arcanine)
If your starter is Squirtle,
You need: Fire type / Flying type / Psychic type (for Venusaur), Electric type (for Pidgeot and Gyarados), Dark type / Ghost type (for Alakazam), Water type (for Rhydon and Arcanine)
If your starter is Bulbasaur,
You need: Water type (for Charizard and Rhydon), Electric type (for Pidgeot and Gyarados), Dark type / Ghost type (for Alakazam and Exeggutor)

Hope this helps :)

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0 votes

My team for fire red.
Bold moves have a STAB

Ability: Torrent
Type: Water

  1. Surf
    (good overall water move)
  2. Ice Beam
    (for grass and dragons)
  3. Earthquake
    (for electric types)
  4. Hydro Cannon
    (strong water move)

Ability: Volt Absorb
Type: Electric

  1. Thunderbolt
    (good overall electric move)
  2. Dig
    ( fellow electric types)
  3. Double Kick
    (type coverage)
  4. Thunder
    (strong electric move)

Alakazam (or Kadabra)
Ability: Synchronize
Type: Psychic

  1. Psybeam
    (good overall psychic move)
  2. Shadowball
    ( fellow psychic types)
  3. Recover
    (life saver)
    (strong psychic move)

Golem (or Graveler)
Ability: Rock Head
Type: Rock/Ground

  1. Earthquake
    (great ground move)
  2. Double Edge
    (perfect use of rock head)
  3. Rock Slide
    (flying types are toast)
  4. Brick Break
    ( fellow rock types)

Gengar (or Haunter)
Ability: Levitate
Type: Ghost/Poison

  1. Shadow ball
    (strong ghost move)
  2. Psychic
    (fighting types will be in trouble)
  3. Brick Break
    (type coverage against dark)
  4. Thunderbolt
    (good electric move and uses special stats)

Ability: Intimidate
Type: Fire

  1. Flametrower
    (good overall fire move)
  2. Arial ace
    (making arcanine allround)
  3. Bite
    (for ghosts and psychics)
  4. Fire Blast
    (strong fire move)
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Not everyone wants to spend 11,500 coins on those TM's. Boost that to 15,500 if you don't want to keep your Growlithe until level 49 or so to learn Flamethrower.
1. Blastoise set is great and I really liked it.
2. Don't use Dig and Double kick on Jolteon. He has way low attack and both these are physical.
3. Shadow ball bad on Alakazam,due to same reason as Jolteon
4. Golem is also good ,no suggestions for it.
5. Again,Shadow ball and Brick break bad on Gengar due to same reason as Jolteon and Alakazam.
6. Arcanine is OK but you don't need 2 STABs. Put ExtremeSpeed,Bite/Crunch,Aerial Ace and either of Flamethrower or Fire Blast.
Thats all.
@SKYHIGHMEGARAYQUAZA shadow ball is special attack not physical
Shadow ball is ghost type and all ghost type moves are physical in Generation 3.
Check it above @Lunith36. The Physical Special demarcation was made in Generation 4.
Before that whether a move considered physical or special depended upon it's type.You can check which types are physical and which special.It's mentioned in the question itself @Lunith36
0 votes

Team Preview:
Venosaur - grass
Dodrio - flying
Gyarados - water/dragon
Raichu - electric
Snorlax - fighting
Arcanine - Fire

Venosaur - Grass Type Pokemon
Ability: Overgrow
Moveset: Razor Leaf - Cut - Bulletseed/Solarbeam - Sleeppowder
Notes: I try to spread my HMs evenly across my main team so Cut falls on the grass type. Razor Leaf is a useful STAB, Bulletseed very useful until later stages in the game and sleeppowder makes catching Pokemon easier. Oh and its a starter Pokemon that levels pretty quickly an is useful against the first two gyms.

Dodrio - Flying type
Ability - Run Away
Moveset: Drillpeck - Fly - TriAttack - (last one is totally up to player)
Notes: Best of the non legendary bird types, can learn fly, great STAB moves. Immune to ground and ghost, strong against grass and bug. Get quite late in the game but comes at a fairly high level.

Raichu - Electric
Ability: Static
Moveset: Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shockwave, Flash
Notes: Electric Pokemon are probably one the strongest types in firered. Could change flash for quick attack so not to heavily dependent on elemental based moves but thats optional.

Snorlax - Fighting
Ability: Immune
Moveset: Rest - Snore - Strength - Bodyslam
Notes: Strong starting stats, most would get rid of rest/snore but they can be really helpful in tough situations, if Snorlax is last man standing you can depend on him to play the long game! Plus he is immune to poison and other annoying bug type moves.

Arcanine - Fire
Ability - Intimidate
Moveset: Fireblast - Flamethrower - Overheat - Dig
Notes: Strong overall stats. Was originally going to be a legendary Pokemon hence the stats.

Gyarados - Water Dragon
Ability: Intimidate
Moveset: Surf - Hyper Beam- Hydro Pump - Earthquake
Notes: If you can go through the pain of leveling him up from magikarp then its worth it. A very cool Pokemon, very strong against a number of types, loses some of the weakeness of normal waters due to the dragon part, can learn very powerful moves. I level it up by just using Magikarp for each fight then swapping to the suitable Pokemon so it gains half exp. Only need to get it to level 20 and can have it pretty early on.

1. Snorlax is Normal types
2.If using Snore,then use Belly Drum aa well.So the set becomes Belly Drum, Shadow Ball, Rest and Snore.
3.Give Arcanine ExtremeSpeed instead of Overheat.
4.Gyarados is Water/Flying and not Water/Dragon.
5.Don't recommend Gyarados due to low special attack and largely special movepool
Otherwise Nice team
0 votes

Blastoise Set, since not as many have been posted:

Blastoise - Starter
Ability: Torrent
-Surf: Strong STAB Attack, used for surfing
-Ice Beam: Powerful, great coverage, especially grass
-Brick Break: Coverage
-Earthquake: Coverage vs. Electric

Pidgeot - Fly Slave
Ability: Keen Eye
@Sharp Beak
-Fly: Decent move, also it's fly
-Steel Wing: Coverage against most weaknesses
-Facade: Decent STAB
-Whirlwind: Pidgeot doesn't have a great gen III movepool, and this is useful sometimes

Arcanine - Covers Blastoise's Grass Weakness
Ability - Flash Fire
-Flamethrower: Awesome STAB move
-Extremespeed: Good attack, priority
-Aerial Ace: Why not
-Theif: Take off item during wild battles to hunt for Soft Sand/Thick Club etc...

Marowak - Covers Blastoise's Electric Weakness
Ability - Rock Head
@Thick Club
-Bonemerang: No Earthquake (D:) but this is decent
-Rock Tomb: Coverage, nice to have
-Iron Tail: Covers Ice Weakness
-Double Edge: Good Power, great w/ rock head

Hitmonchan - Sub-Puncher, Kills Everything
Ability - Keen Eye
@Black Belt
-Substitute: Focus Punch Setup
-Focus Punch: Goes w/ Substitute, Amazing Power
-Ice Punch: Strong Coverage
-Thunder Punch: Strong Coverage

Magneton - Water Coverage
Ability - Sturdy
-Thunderbolt - Electric Earthquake
-Tri Attack - Coverage, good for statuses
-Thunder Wave - Obnoxious
-Supersonic - Very Obnoxious when used w/ Thunder Wave

0 votes

My team consists of 5 main Pokemon, the sixth is optional and can be whatever you want to use, though I will include some that I have used in the past. Note that if you choose Venusaur as your starter, it will take up this sixth spot on your team. If you have any suggestion for the sixth spot that I haven't thought of, please leave a comment with a moveset and description as I have done for the rest of my team below. In my team I left out all lengendaries and trade evolutions and moves that cannot be obtained util after the Pokemon League which include but are not limited to Move Tutor moves such as Body Slam and TMs such as Sludge Bomb.

Any starter can be chosen, however, Charizard is recomended. Also, here the link to a very useful page I found on Smogon: http://www.smogon.com/ingame/misc/adv_frlg_ingametiers. For details on where to catch Pokemon and when/how they learn their moves, check bulbapedia: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page. For all the Move Tutor locations see: http://www.serebii.net/red_green/move-tutor.shtml.

Quick overview: Charizard/Arcanine, Lapras/Blastoise, Jolteon, Marowak/Nidoking, Dodrio, Venusaur/your choice

Fire - Charizard/Arcanine

- Flamethrower - STAB
- Fly - STAB, field use
- Dragon Claw - Deals with Dragons, perfect neutral coverage w/Flamethrower.
- Earthquake - Hits Electric and Rock types for 2x damage

Charizard is the most popular and most useful starter choice and, as long as you don't need the Earthquake and Dragon Claw TMs for another mon, it can have an incredible movepool. If one or both TMs are needed elsewhere other useful moves include:
- Fire Blast - STAB, move powerful than Flamethrower however it has a chance to miss
- Brick Break - If you don't teach Charzard EQ it cand be used to cover your 4x rock weakness
- Strength - Neutral coverage if you can't get Dragon Claw, field use
- Ariel Ace - Can be used to replace Fly if the accuracy and lack of a wasted turn is desired over Fly's field use and power

- Flamethrower - STAB
- Fire Blast - Higher power than Flamethrower
- ExtremeSpeed - powerful +2 priority, great for revenge kills
The last moveslot can be filled with any of the following:
- Strength - Field use
- Bite - Hits Psychic for 2x damage (this team doesn't have much Psychic coverage)
- Ariel Ace - Hits Fighting for 2x damage

Arcanine can be used as a substitute for Charizard if you would like to choose one of the other starters, however, it lacks the coverage moves of Chaizard such as Dragon Claw. ExtremeSpeed can be very useful and is unobtainable by Charizard and Arcanine does have the higher attack making it a powerful mixed attacker where Charizard is much better with Special (although still has high enough attack to make Earthquake powerful). In all other areas though, Charizard is better.

Water - Lapras/Blastoise

- Surf - STAB
- Ice Beam - STAB, hits Grass for 2x damage
- Psychic - Hits Fighting for 2x damage
- Body Slam - Chance at para

Lapras is similar to Charizard in that it has a very wide and useful movepool that can even be compared to some Dragons (most Dragon types have some of the best movepools in the games). Lapras also has a massive HP stat of 130 and solid defenses with 80 physical and 95 special, not to mention both attacks at 85. The only real downside to having Lapras over Blastoise is the dual Ice. Ice adds a rock weakness which isn't a big deal because water hits 2x against rock. It adds a fighting weakness which makes Psychic a necessary move for Lapras. It takes away the Steel resistance which doesn't really matter because Steel isn't a viable offensive type in Gen III. One thing that the Ice type does take away that is very significant is the Fire resistance. This makes Blaine and Blue's Fire type (Charizard if you chose Bulbasuar, Arcanine otherwise) much more difficult as their STAB is now neutral instead of resisted. The only thing that Ice adds that is beneficial is STAB coverage against Grass types. However since the only type Ice resists is itself, this only creates a scenario where both Pokemon have 2x STAB against each other. Lapras does have much more useful abilities than Blastoise. Water absorb makes Thunderbolt a very viable more instead of Body Slam if you have the means to get a second TM, as it can allow Lapras to switch into Water attack to heal itself and hit back with 2x Thunderbolt. Also, Bolt/Beam (Electric/Ice) coverage isn't resisted by much. Its other ability isn't quite as useful, but can be nice for Nuzlockes.

- Surf - STAB, field use
- Ice Beam - Hits Grass types for 2x damage and STAB
The last two moveslots can be filled with and of the following:
- Toxic - Stall. Only if combined with Protect and leftovers
- Protect - Extra Toxic damage and leftovers recovery
- Strength - Field use
- Skull Bash - Raises defense on the first turn
- Biter - Coverage

Blastoise is a great choice but is brought down by it's movepool (or lack there of). It has a significant added benefit over Lapras of not having the dual Ice typing. This makes Blastoise more useful agaist a few types but overall I recommend Lapras.

Electric - Jolteon
- Thunderbolt - STAB
- Thunder - STAB, higher power than Thunderbolt, perfect accuracy in rain
- Bite - Coverage
The last moveslot can be filled with any of the following:
- Quick Attack - Priority
- Pin Missle - Hits Grass for 2x damage
- Double Kick - Coverage
- Thunderwave - Helps with catching
- Shock Wave - Perfect accuracy regardless of conditions

Many people think that Raichu is the better choice for Electric types, however, Jolteon has higher Speed, Special Attack, HP, and both defenses. Despite not learning Thunderbolt by level up, it can be taught by TM as soon as your Eevee evolves as it is available at the Game Corner in Celadon (which happens to also be the city where you get Eevee and can by the stone to evolve it). I recommend evolving Eevee at 30 as it will learn Bite by level up at 30 and as soon as it evolves it will learn Double Kick.

Ground - Marowak/Nidoking

Marowak@Thick Club
- Bonemerang - STAB, same power as EQ and learned by level up
- Double-Edge - No recoil due to Rock Head
- Rock Slide - Hits Flying, Ice and Bug for 2x Damage
- Strength - Field use

At first glance, Marowak's stats are very underwhelming. However, all Cubone caught in the wild have a chance of holding a Thick Club which doubles Marowak and Cubone's Attack stats boosting it to a massive base 160. coupled with a 110 defense stat and you have a powerful physical tank. It also learns Bomemerang by level up meaning you can save your one and only Earthquake TM for another member of your team. If you don't need it, however, it can replace Bonemerang for the higher accuracy. Double-Edge likely won't be learned by level up until after the Pokemon League, however it can be tutored by the last NPC in Victory Road.

- Earthquake - STAB (already used by Charizard)
- Thrash - high power normal move
- Megahorn - Hits Grass and Psychic for 2x damage
- Whatever extra TM you have that would add coverage - Coverage

No, there is no way to get Sludge Bomb on him before the Elite Four. This is a large reason why Nidoking is much worse that Thick Club Marowak for ingame playthroughs. Nidoking has a significantly lower attack stat than Marowak after the Thick Club boost, and overall, his stats are very average. In addition the majority of his movepool is learned by TM meaning you are going to need to use some of your valuable TMs such as TM 26-Earthquake in order to make Nidoking effective. Don't take this the wrong way, Nidoking (as well as all the second options; Arcanine and Blastoise) are very good and viable options, but I think they are outclassed by other options.

Flying - Dodrio
- Drill Peck - STAB, best flying move in the game
- Tri Attack - STAB, 20 chance at status
- Fly - Field use
- Steel Wing - Hits Rock types for 2x damage

Dodrio is the best normal bird in fr/lg because of its high attack - 110, and speed - 100, as well as its access to two of the most powerful moves in gen III of their respective types - Drill Peck and Tri Attack. Dodrio will also grind quickly soon after it is available as Doduo because the next Gym is grass and after that you'll have access to the Fighting Dojo. Because of it's immunity to Groud, it can be a good counter to these types, however, Flying hits ground neutral and as many have dual rock type, steel wing is a very valuable move in order to counter ground types.

Choice - Venusaur/anything
Because I left this spot open, I won't be going into detail about the sets. I will make some movesets for some of the Pokemon that I have used in past playthroughs, however, other Pokemon won't have movesets shown and will instead have links to their gen III movesets on bulbapedia so that you can easily make your own. Please note that some of the useful TMs and move tutor moves that these Pokemon can learn may not be available depending on which other Pokemon you chose from this list. For instance, If you chose Charizard as your starter, Dragonite is not as viable an option as it will want to learn Earthquake and Dragon Claw by TM, both of which I have already listed as good options for Charizard. In some cases (like my example) one or both of the Pokemon may have other options for maves that benefit them and can be used well so feel free to use both Charizard and Dragontie. Just know that only one can have access to these overlapping moves. This spot can also be filled by a HM slave of your choice that you never put in the PC if you want to go that route.

- Leech seed - Crucial for any bulky grass type for recovery and extra damage
- Sunny Day - Makes the nest two moves viable
- Solar Beam - High power, not charge turn under sun
- Synthesis - Heals 1/2 and 2/3 under sun

other moves include
- Giga Drain - low damage but heals
- Frenzy Plant - recharge turn that can't be worked around easily
- Razor Leaf - tons of PP where other grass moves have very low PP
- Tocix - if you want to be "that guy"
- Strength - Field use

- Cross Chop - STAB
- Strength - Field use
- Brick Break - STAB, reliable
- Rock Slide - Flying coverage (already used by Marowak)

- Dragon Claw (already used by Charizard)
- Fly - STAB, Field use
- Earthquake (already used by Chaizard and Nidoking)
- Any of the various useful TMs it can learn (including Surf)

Alakazam: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Alakazam_(Pokémon)/Generation_III_learnset#By_leveling_up

Gengar: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gengar_(Pokémon)/Generation_III_learnset#By_leveling_up

Victreebel: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Victreebel_(Pokémon)/Generation_III_learnset#By_leveling_up

Vileplume: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Vileplume_(Pokémon)/Generation_III_learnset#By_leveling_up

Hitmonlee: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Hitmonlee_(Pokémon)/Generation_III_learnset#By_leveling_up

Snorlax: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Snorlax_(Pokémon)/Generation_III_learnset#By_leveling_up

Machamp: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Machamp_(Pokémon)/Generation_III_learnset#By_leveling_up

If you scroll up on any of these pages you can find a quick link to the respective Pokemon's main page

Hope this helps

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Venusaur Leaf Green Team

Venusaur / Ninetales / Starmie / Raichu
/ Dodrio / Dugtrio

Venusaur @ Leftovers

Ability : Overgrow
Serious Nature

  • Giga Drain / Razor Leaf
  • Sludge Bomb
  • Leech Seed
  • Toxic / Sleep Powder

Venusaur is pretty bulky and works well in stalling. Serious Nature was there because Venusaur is a Mixed Attacker, and any nature decreasing Defensive Stats would be bad. Speed reducing Natures are bad either. Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb are the main STAB. Giga Drain combined with Leftovers give him some decent recovery, which is great in-game for lasting Long in battles. But do remember that it has Low PP, so Razor Leaf is an option for STAB. Toxic and Leech Seed are mainly for taking down Bulkier opponents. Sleep Powder is for catching Pokemon. You can reset to get the nature you want. Some other like Hardy or Docile works too. This was the Obvious starter if you are playing Leaf Green.

Ninetales @ Charcoal

Ability : Flash Fire
Modest/Timid Nature

  • Overheat / Fire Blast
  • Flamethower
  • Confuse Ray / Attract
  • Dig / Will-O-Wisp

Ninetales, even with a bad movepool, still performs well as a Special Sweeper in game. It is a quite decent Pokemon to use which is only viable in Leaf Green. Other fire types like Arcanine can be special too, but I prefer a fully special one on this team. It gets Flamethower at Vulpix while at a early level unlike other fire types. Overheat and Fire Blast are used for Power and can deal with some mons that still hang on despite being hit by Flamethower. Dig is for escaping Dungeons. Put Dig on it if you don't want it on Dugtrio. Will-O-Wisp burns some bulkier opponents. Confuse Ray and Attract really screws the opponent, bulky or not. Give it Flash Fire to support some team members that are weak to fire. Ninetales' Charcoal-Boosted STAB moves in Sunny Day support provided by Dugtrio would definitely hit like a Truck.

Starmie @ Nevermelt-Ice

Ability : Natural Cure
Modest/Timid Nature

  • Surf
  • Ice Beam / Blizzard
  • Thunderbolt / Thunder
  • Psychic

I love Starmie. It has always been a Favourite of mine. It gets a great movepool and has a great speed at 115. It will be your main key to taking on Gengars and Dragonites using Ice Beam and Psychic. Bolt-Beam gets really good coverage, and Starmie is a great Pokemon to make use of it. Natural Cure saves your time to buy Antidotes and Full Heals. Surf and Psychic are the main STAB moves. It will be your surfer, this should be known. Other abilities like Illuminate works great in finding Rare Pokemon and shinies too. Nevermelt-Ice boosts Ice Beam, allowing Starmie to OHKO Dragonites with Ice Beam. Twisted Spoon is an option, but you can only find that on wild Pokemon which is really time consuming. Also, if you can't get Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, I suggest you replace them with Blizzard or Thunder.

Raichu @ Leftovers

Ability : Static
Serious Nature

  • Thunderbolt
  • Brick Break
  • Flash / Rain Dance
  • Strength / Thunder

Raichu is gotten pretty early and does well defeating Misty although Venusaur is already there. I put Leftovers on him because Magnet can only be found on wild Magneton. Thunderbolt is main STAB. Brick Break is coverage against Onix and Golem. Flash and Strength and HMs needed in-game and will be replace with Rain Dance and Thunder if rematching the E4. Rain Dance can provide support for Starmie, while Thunder could be Spamed under Rain with full accuracy, allowing Raichu to sweep. Electabuzz can also work well since it's movepool and Stats are somehow similar to Raichu. But it can only be gotten in Fire Red. You might wanna trade for it. Black Belt is also an option for him to hold to boost Brick Break. But I heard that it is only obtained by stealing items from other Trainers.

Dodrio @ Silk Scarf

Ability : Early Bird / Run Away
Adamant Nature

  • Drill Peck
  • Tri Attack / Double Edge
  • Agility
  • Fly / Steel Wing

Dodrio is the best flying type for a physical sweeper. After one or two Agility, Dodrio's Speed can reach impressive levels, meaning no one in-game can outspeed it. It will be your flyer. You can replace fly with Steel Wing for coverage if you rematch the E4. Drill Peck is main STAB move. Tri Attack is also STAB, an will be replaced with Double Edge for more power which is only accessible once you reach the Victory Road. Early Bird and Run Away are great abilities that are hard to choose from so it's up to you. You can sweep through Bruno with it. It will not disappoint you most of the times while sweeping. Double Edge can destroy types that does not resist it, especially when paired with Silk Scarf. Just beware of Steel types, because it walls Dodrio. But you can still switch out, right?

Dugtrio @ Amulet Coin / (No Item)

Ability : Arena Trap
Adamant/Jolly Nature

  • Earthquake
  • Thief / Dig
  • Rock Smash / Rock Slide
  • Cut / Sunny Day

Dugtrio's great speed is really a blessing. He also works as a HM Slave which are necessary in game. With Thief on it, you can steal some useful stuff from Trainers and Wild Pokemon. Earthquake is mainly for STAB. Rock Smash and Cut are HMs. Dig is useful for saving PP for Earthquake and also used to escape annoying dungeons without having to use an Escape Rope. It is your main pursuit against roaming Pokemon and deals with Electric types which can really be annoying if you don't have a proper Ground type. You should try to bring him in for every battle since Amulet Coin can give you lots of money to buy TMs. If you rematch the E4, you should replace the HMs with Rock Slide and Sunny Day. Sunny Day provides support for Ninetales and Rock Slide provides excellent coverage with Earthquake.

Note : You can get another HM slave to cover other HMs that I have not listed.

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CHARIZARD (fire and flying)@charcoal

Fly (HM2)
Flamethrower (lv34)
Earthquake (TM26)
Dragon rage (lv54)
Your starter. Flame thrower to take down some ice, grass, steel and bug type can be used against Erica and Lorelei. Also can be used to take down Blue’s Exeggutor Fly is useful against grass, bug and fighting and to fly around. Earthquake takes down electric, fire, poison rock and steel. Can be used to take down Blue’s arcanine. Dragon rage can be used against lance in elite 4.
PIKACHU (electric)@magnet

Seismic toss (tutor)
Thunder bolt (lv26)
Iron tail (TM23)
Flash (HM5)
You will get it in viridian forest or power plant. Flash is to pass the rock tunnel. It can be used to lower opponent’s accuracy. Seismic toss can be used to take down normal types. Thunder bolt and iron tail are wonderful move
RATICATE (Normal) @

Cut (HM1)
Rock smash (HM6)
Super fang (lv40)
Strength (HM4)
Your HM slave. Super fang is used for survival. Keeping Raticate in team is useful as it covers most of HMs.
[NIDOQUEEN/NIDOKING] (Ground/poison)

Mega horn/super power
Brick break/shadow ball
Sludge bomb (TM36)
Dig (TM28)
Can be used as a defender. Mega horn and brick break if you choose nidoking and super power and shadow ball if you choose nidoqueen. Dig is useful during battles as well as outside battles. Sludge bomb is useful in poisoning your foe __
[DRAGONITE/SNORLAX] [(dragon/flying)/ (normal)]

Ice beam /shadow ball
Flame thrower (TM35)
Hyper beam/Solar beam
Surf (HM3)
Your war machine. Ice beam and hyper beam is for dragonite and shadow ball solar beam is for snorlax. Both covers a lot of type. So it is useful.
LAPRAS (water /ice)@mystic water

Blizzard/ice beam
Psychic (TM29)
Waterfall (HM6)
Thunder (TM25)
A very useful water type Pokemon. Blizzard and ice beam is stronger than lance’s dragons psychic and thunder are very useful.

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This is a team I think will serve one well in a playthrough.


Razor Leaf
Giga Drain
Sludge Bomb/Vine Whip

Razor Leaf, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb and Vine Whip are all strong STAB moves with the first three having their own advantages: Razor Leaf has a high critical hit ratio and hits both enemies in double battles, Giga Drain to replenish health and Sludge Bomb can cause poisoning. You can switch it out for Vine Whip since you can only get the TM for it after you become the Champion. Cut is an HM.


Shock Wave
Iron Tail

Thunderbolt and Shock Wave are strong STAB moves with their own advantages: Shock Wave never misses and Thunderbolt can cause paralysis. Iron Tail is compensation for the lack of a Steel type, and it helps that most of the Kanto Ground types are part Rock, which is weak to Steel. Flash is an HM.


Aerial Ace
Drill Peck

Drill Peck and Aerial Ace are strong STAB moves, with Aerial Ace never missing. Fly is also a good STAB move , an HM, and on the turn you use it, most attacks can't hit you. Pursuit is compensation for the lack of a Dark type, and to take advantage of its immunity to Ghost types.


Bone Club
Rock Smash

Bone Club and Bonemerang are strong STAB moves, as well as Marowak's trademark moves. Dig is also a strong STAB move, an HM, and on the turn you use it most attacks can't hit you. Rock Smash is an HM, as well as coverage against Ice types.


Ice Beam

Ice Beam is a strong STAB move that can cause freezing. Surf and Waterfall are also good STAB moves, as well as HMs. Psychic is coverage against Fighting types and compensation for the lack of a Psychic type.

Arcanine(Fire Red only)

Flame Wheel
Fire Blast

The first three are all strong STAB moves, with all of them being able to cause burns. Strength is an HM. Though for Flamethrower I'd recommend either holding off on evolving Growlithe or spend a lot of time in the game corner.

If you have Leaf Green then use this:

Magmar(Leaf Green only)

Fire Punch
Fire Blast

The first three are all strong STAB moves, with all of them being able to cause burns. Strength is an HM.

Thanks for reading and tell me in the comments what you think of this team.

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Team preview: Charizard, Starme(LF) Lapras(FR), Raichu, Nidoking, Snorlax, Machamp


Ability: Blaze
Nature: Serious
Moveset: [Fly][Dragon Claw][Blast Burn][Flamethrower]

  • Has high Special Attack and Speed stats. Learns useful moves through level up and TM


Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Timid
Moveset: [Surf][Psychic][Thunderbolt][Ice Beam]

  • Very high Speed stat, high Special Attack stat, and learns a vast amount of useful TMs and HMs.


Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Modest
Moveset: [Surf][Ice Beam][Thunder][Psychic]

  • Available late in the game and at a much lower level than your party at that point in the game. However, it has above average stats all around, and a very wide movepool consisting of notable attacks.


Ability: Static
Nature: Bashful
Moveset: [Thunderbolt][Thunder Wave][Seismic Toss][HP Grass/Ice]

  • Has an above average Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stat.
  • Seismic Toss against normal Pokemons and HP Grass/Ice against rock, ground Pokemons.


Ability: Poison Point
Nature: Hasty
Moveset: [Earthquake][Megahorn][Shadow Ball][Ice Beam]

  • Has well-distributed stats and learns a vast amount of TMs.


Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Adamant
Moveset: [Return][Shadow Ball][Sleep Talk][Rest]

  • Has a massive HP stat and a high Attack and Special Defense stat. Learns many useful moves upon level up and through TM.


Ability: Guts
Nature: Adamant
Moveset: [Bulk Up][Cross Chop][Facade][Rock Tomb]

  • Has a very high Attack stat and learns useful moves upon level up and through TM. However, Machamp needs to be traded to fully evolve, which requires two Gameboy Advances/SPs and a link cable or wireless adapter.
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Lineup: Charizard, Jolteon, Poliwrath, Jynx, Rhydon, Snorlax

+Indicates STAB
^Indicates for PVE - This is a list for enjoying an easy run thru of the game
^^Indicates for PVP - Might not let you travel the map as easily, but smarter for competition

CharizardCharizard (Fire Flying) Should be 1st and only Pokemon trained till Jynx
-Steel Wing^ -Dragon Claw^^

JolteonJolteon (Electric) Should be 3rd Pokemon, Celadon, evolved from level 30 Eevee (when it learns Bite)
-Rain Dance

PoliwrathPoliwrath (Water, Fighting) Should be 5th Pokemon, evolved from level 35 Poliwhirl (when it learns Body Slam)
-Brick Break+
-Surf+^ -Water Pulse+^^
-Body Slam

JynxJynx (Ice, Psychic) Should be 2nd Pokemon, received by trading an Abra
-Ice Punch+
-Ice Beam+

RhydonRhydon (Ground, Rock) Final Pokemon, caught in Safari Zone and needs to be trained immediately
-Rock Slide+ (Move Tutor)
-Cut^ -Body Slam^^ (Move Tutor)

SnorlaxSnorlax (Normal) Should be 4th Pokemon, 2 chances to capture
-Strength+^ -Rest^^
-Body Slam+
-Hyper Beam+
-Shadow Ball^ -Sleep Talk^^


Charizard HOLDS CHARCOAL is high Special Attack, use Flamethrower to burn em, Overheat to melt em. Fly to get you around the map and for those pesky Fighting types, and Steel Wing to get you thru the rocky Pokemon while training.
FOR PVP: Dragon Claw replaces Steel Wing because 1. More DPS, and, 2. Rock types are 4x damage against Charizard anyway.

Jolteon HOLDS MAGNET is high Special Attack, use Thunderbolt when it's easy, Rain Dance/Thunder combo on trainers with 4 Pokemon in their lineup. Bite to help train and to take on Ghost and Psychic types without wasting PP on Thunder/Rain Dance and Thunderbolt.

Poliwrath HOLDS BLACK BELT is high Attack, use Brick Break for STAB, Body Slam when STAB isn't necessary and to train. Surf gets you around the map and handles higher-Special Defense Pokemon, whereas Waterfall let's you make em flinch. The latter 2 give you STAB for bonus damage, despite Poliwrath Special Attack being only mediocre.
FOR PVP: Water Pulse to cause confusion.

Jynx HOLDS TWISTEDSPOON is high Special Attack, meaning all her attacking moves are super-powered along with receiving STAB bonus. Ice Punch to train, Ice Beam for serious business, Psychic for Fighting and Poison types. Reflect might not be used much as you hit hard, but is useful later on.

Rhydon HOLDS SOFT SANDis high Attack, so stick to physical abilities that also receive STAB bonus: Earthquake to pwn, Rock Slide to pwn, Cut gets you around the map and helps train, and Megahorn, later on, to take on the Psychic and Grass types.
FOR PVP: Body Slam replaces Cut for obvious reasons.

Snorlax HOLDS SILK SCARF is high Attack, receives STAB from Normal abilities... Strength to get around map and to train, Body Slam for tougher foes to paralyze, Hyper Beam to end their last Pokemon, and Shadow Ball to allow some action against Psychic, and most importantly, Ghost types.
FOR PVP: Rest and Sleep Talk to restore HP and hopefully spam Hyper Beams.

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Team Preview: Charizard, Lapras, Machamp/Hitmonlee, Dragonite, Exeggutor, Rhydon

Charizard, in my opinion, is the best out of the three starters for in-game usage as it has the best offensive stats, which makes the game go faster. Its good Special Attack and STAB moves means it won't be letting you down on the offensive side.
Charizard @ Charcoal
-Blast Burn
-Steel Wing
Blast Burn is an extremely powerful move that almost always faints the opposing Pokemon if it is not resisted. Flamethrower serves as a secondary STAB that has more PP, or if the extra power of Blast Burn is not needed to avoid the turn of recharge. Fly is a good Flying type STAB that gives crucial additional coverage, as it is the only move on this set which is not resisted by Water or Fire types. Steel Wing hits Charizard's biggest weakness, Rock types, super-effectively. I would not recommend using Dragon Claw over Fly, as it does not hit anything neutrally that the combination of Fire/Flying/Steel can't, and only provides super-effective coverage on three Pokemon in the entire Kanto region, which are already hit super-effectively by Lapras.

A Water type has always been an obvious need for Surf. I chose Lapras as its dual Water/Ice typing gives coverage against Dragon types that the team would otherwise lack, and for its solid stats, as it is bulky while still being able to hit hard with its decent Special Attack.
Lapras @ Mystic Water
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
Hydro Pump and Ice Beam are the strongest STAB moves available to Lapras. Surf is a secondary Water type STAB that has more PP and can be used if the extra power of Hydro Pump is not needed to avoid Hydro Pump's inaccuracy. Thunderbolt gives Lapras BoltBeam coverage, allowing it to hit many Pokemon super-effectively.

Fighting types are always useful to have as they provide vast type coverage. Machamp is arguably the best choice of the Kanto Fighting types, as it has the best bulk and highest Attack. However, if you cannot obtain Machamp, Hitmonlee is a good option as well.
Machamp @ Black Belt
-Cross Chop
-Brick Break
-Rock Smash
Cross Chop is a very powerful STAB move. Brick Break is a secondary STAB move that has more PP and can be used if the extra power of Cross Chop is not needed to avoid the inaccuracy of Cross Chop. Earthquake is a powerful coverage option that allows Machamp to hit hit Poison types that resist its STABs super-effectively. While Rock Tomb may seem to be a good coverage option for the fourth slot, it does not out-damage a resisted Brick Break or Cross Chop if it hits neutrally, and barely out-damages a resisted Cross Chop if it hits super-effectively. As such, it is not worth running, and Rock Smash is preferred as it is a useful HM. It should be noted that Earthquake is given to Machamp/Hitmonlee instead of Charizard or Dragonite because they have other means of coverage, while Machamp/Hitmonlee would not without Earthquake.
Hitmonlee @ Black Belt
-High Jump Kick
-Brick Break
-Rock Smash
Hitmonlee and Machamp have extremely similar learnsets, so the only difference here is the powerful STAB move; Hitmonlee has access to High Jump Kick instead of Cross Chop. Other than that, Hitmonlee runs the same moveset for the same reasons.

The team still needed a flier, and I decided on Dragonite for its amazing stats and rare Dragon typing as opposed to common birds like Pidgeot and Dodrio. While it can be a pain to train up, the wait is definitely worth it.
Dragonite @ Leftovers ---> Silk Scarf
-Double Edge
-Iron Tail
-Fire Blast
Double Edge is Dragonite's pseudo-STAB move, as it outdamages Outrage due to its high BP and the fact that it goes off of Dragonite's much higher Attack stat. Fly is a good Flying type STAB that should be used instead of Double Edge if it can hit something super-effectively. Iron Tail covers Dragonite's Ice and Rock weaknesses. Fire Blast hits Steel types, which would otherwise wall this set. Although it is Special, it outdamages Dragonite's best Physical option to hit Steel types (Brick Break), due to its high BP. Because Silk Scarf can only be found much later in the game, Leftovers can be used as an item at first. However, Silk Scarf is preferred to get as much power out of Double Edge as possible. Dragonite should be the team's first option against Psychic types and the Gengar line (which the team lacks reliable super-effective coverage against), as it has good Special Defense and can nail them on their weaker Defense stat with Double Edge.

Exeggutor was my choice as a Psychic type as without its secondary Grass typing I would not be able to hit Water types super-effectively. It has good Special Attack and is bulky which makes it good for in-game use.
Exeggutor @ Miracle Seed
-Giga Drain
-Sleep Powder
-Dream Eater
Psychic and Giga Drain are powerful, reliable STABs, although they do run out of PP quickly. Exeggutor does not have any other viable Special coverage moves, so I decided to go with the combination of Sleep Powder and Dream Eater. This kind of makes up for the lack of coverage because you can slowly wittle down foes who resist Dream Eater while they're asleep without taking any damage.

I still needed a Ground type, as well as a Rock type to hit Flying types super-effectively, which the team lacked so far. I chose Rhydon, as it has some interesting coverage options and the necessary typing.
Rhydon @ Soft Sand
-Rock Slide
Earthquake and Rock Slide are very powerful, reliable STABs. Megahorn provides extra coverage, specifically against Psychic types. However, Rhydon will take a lot of damage from Psychic due to its low Special Defense; as such, Dragonite should always be the first option when taking on Psychic types. Rhydon does not have any other useful coverage moves which are Physical, so Strength is used for the fourth slot, as it is a useful HM.

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Fire Red Team: Charizard, Vileplume, Kabutops, Jolteon, Snorlax, and Nidoking.

- Slash
- Flamethrower
- Fly
- Solar Beam
Great sweeping starter with good special and speed stats, and all around stats. Great starter to teach Fly to.

- Thrash
- Megahorn
- Sludge Bomb
- Brick Break
Great, strong, early game Pokemon to have, since you can get it early with a Moon Stone. All around good stats. Nidoqueen is good, too. Great for Lieutenant Surge's gym because of it's Electric type immunity.

- Toxic
- Petal Dance/Giga Drain
- Acid/Venoshock
- Moonlight
Great help, especially for defeating Misty's gym, since, at that point, you'd only have maybe Charmeleon and Nidoking, who are both weak to Water type moves.

Kabutops (with Swift Swim)
- Slash
- Ancient Power
- Rain Dance
- Waterfall
Great Pokemon, ESPECIALLY with Swift Swim. Kabutops becomes faster, and Water type moves become 50% more powerful in rain, so it becomes a powerful sweeper and also helps out Jolteon with its Thunder. Waterfall is EXTREMELY POWERFUL with Kabutops and Rain Dance.

- Thunderbolt/Thunder
- Thunder Wave
- Shadow Ball
- Double Team
Good, speedy special attacker. Thunder and Thunderbolt are both great moves that have STAB and will do great damage, due to Jolteon's great special attack. Then, use Double Team to make sure the foe doesn't hit you.

- Rest
- Sleep Talk/Snore
- Body Slam
- Psychic (for coverage on fighting types)
GREAT for saving time during battles, especially when you need to heal up your Pokemon in battles, such as the Elite Four. It's a great and powerful wall. Save more time by using Rest and Sleep, talk if needed.

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pretty good team but I suggest giving Snorlax Shadow ball as Snorlax is the best pokemon to deal with Psychic as it has solid Sp.Def to take a lot of hits and can easily counter with Shadow ball and ghost as Ghosts are literally unable to touch it (*cough* Sabrina *cough* Agatha *cough*)
Good, but venoshock doesn’t exist in Gen 3.
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Blizzard(Grass-Dragon coverage)
Earthquake(Electric coverage)

Quick attack(Filler)
Brick Break(coverage)

Drill peck(STAB)
Steel wing(coverage)
Double edge(filler)

Psybeam(other psychic move)
Magical leaf(filler)
Thunder wave(support)

Secret power(filler)

Ice beam(ice stab)

0 votes

Honestly, this would be a good team (in my opinion).

Blastoise (holding Leftovers): Mostly used for it's defensive skills. A moveset I would recommend would include Surf for your rival's Rhydon and Arcanine and both of Bruno's Onix. Ice Beam for STAB and a good chance to freeze, and can be used for your rival's Pidgeot and Venusaur, and can help against Lance's Dragon types. Bite is a Dark type move, and it has a chance to make your opponent flinch, and can come in handy against Lorelei's Slowbro and Jynx, Agatha's Ghost types, and your rival's Alakazam. Lastly, Protect would be good, seeing that Blastoise is a defensive Pokemon and it needs to well, protect itself from any attacks.
Dodrio: The spot was originally going to have Fearow, but I changed my mind last minute. It's moveset should include Fly, an HM that will help you in the game, as well as deal with your rival's Venusaur, and Bruno's Fighting types. Tri Attack, since it has a chance to burn, freeze, or paralyze. Drill Peck for STAB, and just in case if you ran out of PP for Fly. Lastly, Rage would be good for inflicting more damage than you received.
Jolteon: Mostly used for it's Special Attack and speed, it can help you a lot when dealing with Lorelei's Dewgong, Cloyster, Slowbro, and Lapras, Lance's Gyarados, and Aerodactyl, and your rival's Gyarados. It's moveset should include Thunderbolt, seeing that it is more reliable than Thunder, Thunder Wave for paralysis that can slow down your rival's Alakazam, Quick Attack for a good chance to go first, and Pin Missile, for coverage against your rival's Alakazam.
Golem/Graveler: Used for it's wall like defense and ability to learn Earthquake via level up, it can be a great addition to your team. The moveset Golem/Graveler should have includes Earthquake, which helps against many Bikers who have Grimer or Muk, as well as Agatha's Arbok, and your rival's Rhydon. Rock Slide, which can help against Bird Keepers and your rival's Pidgeot and Arcanine. Strength, another HM move that can help you get through Victory Road., and Explosion in case of an emergency.
Alakazam/Kadabra: It's Psychic type is unmatched for except for Ghost, Dark and Bug type moves. The moveset should include Psychic, a STAB move which can help against Bikers who have Koffing/Weezing and also Bruno's Fighting types. Recover, to save money and Potions. Mega Punch, in case if Psychic has failed for whatever reason, and Seismic Toss, for a good amount of damage and another Psychic backup.
Clefable: The reason for this is because of it's incredibly diverse move pool. You can really have a bunch of creativity for this. A moveset I would use includes Fire Blast, a move which can help against your rival's Venusaur. Moonlight, for the same purpose as Recover. Minimize, for easier evasion skills, and Metronome, just in case.
This is my opinion on how the team should be. In fact, I'll try it out on a FR/LG game and tell you guys the results. Edit: I did the team with the moves mentioned above. It worked. And this doesn't just apply for Blastoise. You just need to know how to use the team.

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Team: Charizard, Raticate, Nidoking, Snorlax, Magneton, Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan

Ability: Blaze
Earthquake/Dragon Claw
Aerial Ace

Charizard is the starter that I recommend for this team. Fly is good for traveling to areas in Kanto and is reliably strong. Flamethrower is the main Fire STAB of Charizard. Earthquake is Rock coverage, though Dragon Claw is for the fourth Elite Four Member. Aerial Ace is another Flying type move that doesn't take two turns. Yeah I know, not the best moveset.

Ability: Guts/Run Away
Rock Smash
Super Fang/Hyper Fang

Everyone uses Raticate as an HM slave, because it's so reliable. 3 HM Moves is pretty good. Strength can move boulders, Cut can be used for trees, Rock Smash destroys rocks, and Super Fang cuts the opposing Pokemon's health in half, but Hyper Fang is a good attacking move.

Ability: Poison Point
Sludge Bomb
Surf/Rock Slide/Dig
Brick Break/Shadow Ball

This was originally supposed to be a Hustle hyper offense set, but then I saw that only the pre-evolutions of Nidoking get Hustle. Sludge Bomb is physical in this game so it will do more damage with Nidoking's higher Attack. EQ is a Ground STAB and is very powerful. Surf is another useful HM that is required to beat the game, Rock Slide is good coverage, and Dig is used to exit certain places. Brick Break or Shadow Ball are other options of coverage.

Ability: Any Ability
Body Slam
Shadow Ball
Hyper Beam

Body Slam is a strong STAB move, Shadow Ball is Ghost Coverage, Earthquake is a strong move, and Hyper Beam does a tremendous amount of damage. You also get this fairly early in the game.

Ability: Magnet Pull/Sturdy
Thunder Wave

Magneton has such a good typing, and a decent movepool. Thunderbolt is the main STAB of Magneton. Thunder Wave paralyzes the opponent. Toxic is slow chip damage. Flash helps in caves.
This answer is incomplete.

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I used Blastoise instead of Charizard :/ bad choice I guess.

My own move sets (feel free to replace)
Blastoise: Surf , Ice Beam , Water Pulse , Bite (to atleast deal with Jynx.)
Dodrio: Aerial Ace , Fly , Steel Wing (this 3 movesets are good for Bruno except the Steel Wing tho imo.)
Hitmonlee: Mega Kick (as the guy said "the hard-kicking") Seismic Toss I think Mega Punch and Brick Break
Nidoqueen: Brick Break , Seismic Toss , Rock Smash and maybe Mega Punch if I don't want to teach hitmonlee mega punch.
Dragonite: Outrage (OP) Thunderbolt (in case Raichu is fainted.) Protect and Thunder Wave
Raichu: Thunderbolt, Shock Wave , Flash and Iron Tail

good Pokemon replacements:
Blastoise > Articuno , Lapras , and Scizor.
Hitmonlee > HitmonChan (teach it ice and fire punch thuerpunch if bulbasaur is starter) Machamp (y not? No love for machop? :() Scyther or Pinsir (y not?)
Nidoqueen > Rhydon. EDIT: Dugtrio if you incase have HP Ups
Dragonite > no just no.
Raichu > Jolteon (pair Thunder and Rain Dance on other Pokemon.)

*facepalm* Its good you chose blastoise. Charizard is worst starter in the region.