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3 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Ambipom, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Ambipom Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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14 Answers

4 votes

Ambipom @ Normal Gem
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- U-turn
- Payback
- Double Hit / Low Sweep

Fake Out flinches with some pretty high power when you add up Normal Gem (for the first time), STAB, and Technician. U-turn is for switching so you can repeat the process again. Payback is for Ghost types. Double Hit is for breaking Substitutes and STAB, while Low Sweep is coverage.

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More people should take advantage of double hit, if you have a monkey with technician, it's about 160 BP (STAB included)
Ambipom might be too fast for payback
I think the reason why not as much people take advantage of Double Hit is because of its 90% Accuracy
Payback is a terrible move to use. It's such a fast Pokémon.
4 votes

Gen 5 UU (warning, this set is some extreme cheese)

My favourite second favourite Pokemon in UU!

Ambipom (M) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Facade
- Low Sweep
- Fling / Switcheroo

Fake Out is a must-have; it wastes one turn and gets the Toxic Orb working. Technician increases its power to 60, and along with STAB makes it decently powerful. Since the Toxic Orb has poisoned Ambipom, Facade's power becomes extremely high. Low Sweep is a good option to clean up Steel or Rock Pokemon that would otherwise wall Ambipom. It is Technician-run giving it 90 base power. Fling once again is powered by Technician and poisons the opponent. Since it is Dark, Ghost types hopefully will cop a bit of damage. Switcheroo is also an option, giving the opponent a useless poison item, whilst Ambipom benefits from the opponent's item.

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Whats with the wacky EV spread?
Mostly because I want some bulk on. Max out his Attack and Speed as a replacement.
Yea, toxic orb+Facade is awesome, but it needs gut/toxic boost to work at its full power, and its useless to use bulk in this set because the toxic will kill it very quickly anyway.
2 votes

Special Based Monkey

Ambipom @ Choice Specs / Focus Sash
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Timid Nature
- Swift
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Fire / Fighting / Ice]
- Shadow Ball / Nasty Plot

With Choice Specs, his Special Attack becomes pretty good. Swift has 90 base power with Technician so it is great STAB. Thunderbolt is coverage. Hidden Power [Fire / Fighting / Ice] depends on the needs of your team, if you get the IVs just right you can get a Technician boost for Hidden Power to get it 90 base power. Shadow Ball is coverage.

Also a note: You could swap Specs for Focu Sassh and Shadow Ball for Nasty Plot.

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2 votes

I don't really like posting on something so old, but apparently there will be no new posts for movesets in Gen VII (aside from the new Pokémon), so here we go

A Gen VII troll set for Ambipom =3 (works in generations V and VI as well)

Ambipom @ King's Rock
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Fling
- Thief
- Acrobatics

You can tell what the set is about just by looking at it. It's not particularly powerful, but oh man is it fun!
Fake Out into Fling-King's Rock is two turns of guaranteed flinching (assuming you are faster than your opponent of course). Both of these get a Technician boost, as well.
You may then steal their item with Thief (which gets the maximum Technician boost)! This in and of itself screws many sets over (like many item-shenanigan movesets). Then you have the option to Fling their item back at them, or just keep it if you like it =D
Acrobatics is there as a move with extremely good synergy with this set. It covers Fighting-types (if you want to stay and take a hit that is, or if you are confident you can OHKO it), and most of all: when you have an item, it's 55 base power gets boosted by Technician, and when you don't, you get a whopping 110 base power! So you pretty much always use it safely without worrying about the weaker version.

So there you have it! Not the best competitive moveset, but definitely viable in UU, where many Pokémon depend on their item to bring out their full potential!
(Oh yea, and no-item Acrobatics outspeeds and OHKOs offensive Gallade and offensive Mienshao, two big Fighting-type threats.)

Calculations done on the Showdown Calculator

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1 vote

Role: helping out sweeper
Ambipom @ King's Rock
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Fling
- Acrobatics
- Last Resort

The idea is, you keep it at the back of your party, and when you're faced with a Pokemon that's sweeping your team, you bring this guy in, and it'll defeat it. First, you use Fake Out, which is powered up by STAB and Technician, and the opponent flinches. Then, you use Fling, and with the King's Rock, its power is just low enough to be powered up by Technician. And also because its the King's Rock, they flinch again. So you've dealt a decent amount of damage to the opposing Pokemon without them doing anything. Next, you use Acrobatics, which makes use of its item loss, to bring its power to 110. It also covers its weakness. Now, you can use Last Resort. By now, you should have defeated the opposing Pokemon without them moving more than once or twice, and you will be able to keep on sweeping!

If faced with a Ghost type, just use Fling and Acrobatics.

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1 vote

Ambipom (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Last Resort
- Shadow Claw / Beat Up
- Seed Bomb

How to use: Obviously use Fake Out first, Shadow Claw if they start out with a Ghost type, then Last Resort and hope they get KO'd. If they switch out you can predict or be safe and use Last Resort, when the Ghost type Pokemon comes out, Shadow Claw it. If they bring out a Rock that resists normal, use Seed Bomb. The Life Orb and Technician will really boost your power!

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You do realise that you can only uuse last resort after every move has been used at least once
0 votes

enter image description here

Ambipom @ Normal Gem
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Thief
- Power-Up Punch
- Double Hit

I've been running this set a lot lately and have found it very effective when used properly. I've only seen one out of 100+ Wifi Battles in XY so far so it is unexpected.

Unfortunately Low Sweep got buffed from 60 BP to 65 BP so Ambipom no longer takes advantage of his Technician ability which is replaced with Power-Up Punch at 40 BP but the Attack boost is nice. Usually Fake Out will nearly knock them out, giving you a free Power-Up Punch.

Normal Gem is the only Gem currently available in XY and works well with Fake Out, unless it resists the hit this will do a lot of damage. Now Ambipom has no item and no way to hit Ghost types which is why Thief is there. And it's also handy as Thief got buffed from 40 BP to 60 BP in Gen VI.

Double Hit is his main STAB move and pretty standard adding up to an immense 105 BP. All moves take advantage of his Technician ability.

One thing to keep in mind is he's definitely not a sweeper by any means, he's very frail. But if you know when and how to use him it is a big threat. High risk high reward.

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0 votes

Ambipom @ Normal Gem
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Double Hit
- U-Turn
- Low Sweep / Acrobatics / Shadow Claw

Fake Out is for 100% flinching and boosted with the Normal Gem and Technician makes it very powerful.
If Fake Out doesn't OHKO, you can finish off your opponent with Double Hit which is STAB and Technician boosted.
If your opponent is too powerful and bulky, you can U-turn out on the next turn keeping Ambipom safe and ensuring another Fake Out if a Pokemon faints.
The last three are optional and depend on your team. I chose Low Sweep to take out bulky Pokemon, Shadow Claw to finish Ghosts.
I personally use Acrobatics because after Fake Out w/ Normal Gem it will be boosted to 110. If you use a different item, Technician will boost it instead.

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0 votes

Role: BPer/Setup mon

Ambipom @ Leftovers / Focus Sash
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Spe / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Jolly Nature
- Agility
- Work Up / Nasty Plot / Snatch
- Baton Pass
- Power-Up Punch

Agility works great against fast opponents, or when you intend to BP to a slow mon without TR. Work Up is great to pass to Physical/Mixed sweepers, where Nasty Plot is better if you know you will switch to a special one. I use Work up as it is more versatile. Snatch is another option, but you have to rely on your opponent setting up. PuP is for an attack, so if Ambipom is your last mon, you're not stuck. It also works like a weaker Swords Dance, making Nasty Plot work better if you have a physical sweeper (which you should have).
For item, if you are in RU, use Leftovers as an OHKO is unlikely. If in OU (IDK why) or UU, I'd go Focus Sash. He could probably run Lefties in UU though.

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0 votes

Ambipom @ Normal Gem
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Acrobatics
- Thief
- Double Hit

Fake Out- 40 power but with STAB, Technician, and Normal Gem, the power is 108!
Acrobatics- Fake Out is usually the first move Ambipom will use so Technician plus double power for having no item will increase power from 55 to 165! This is also super effective on the Fighting types that are super effective on you.
Thief- After using Fake Out, Normal Gem will disappear so you can steal the foe's item while doing good damage.
Double Hit- STAB, Technician, plus Normal Gem if you didn't already use it will give it 94.5 power on each hit which gives you 189 power! If you used Normal Gem , then the power will be 78.75 on each hit which gives a total 157.5 power!

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0 votes

Troll Set

Ambipom (M) @ King's Rock
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Fling
- Thief
- Last Resort

Fake Out has priority, allowing you to move first and cause your opponent to flinch, plus it is powered by Technician and STAB. Fling is also powered by Technician, and it is super effective against Ghost types. Also, flinging the King's Rock the first time around will make the opponent flinch as well (assuming that you are faster than your opponent). After that, Thief will steal your opponent's held item, allowing you to use Fling again. Once again, it is powered by Technician. Last but definitely not least, now that you have used the previous 3 moves, you can use Last Resort which has a base power of 140 and STAB.

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0 votes

This is my Ambipom, it’s a troll

Ambipom @ Kings Rock
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
- Fury Swipes
- Double Hit
- Brick Break
- Shadow Claw

Fury Swipes (Flinch with King's Rock, hit 5 times with Skill Link)
Double Hit (Damage and flinching)
Brick Break (Break Light Screen/Reflect, and deal with Rock and Steel types)
Shadow Claw (Ghost coverage)

This is obviously the best moveset ever.

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0 votes

Gen 9 NU Revenge Killer/Offensive Pivot

Ambipom @ Silk Scarf / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Knock Off
- Double Hit / Low Kick
- U-turn

Ambipom is one of the Pokemon who recently dropped to NU, so here is a Revenge Killer/Offensive Pivot set it can use in Gen 9 NU. Fake Out, when boosted by Techician, becomes a neat tool to let Ambipom revenge kill weakened Pokemon, which is useful against HO teams. Knock Off allows Ambipom to remove items from opposing Pokemon and hit Bronzong, Ghost-types such as Hoopa, Oricorio-Sensu, Mismagius, and Decidueye super effectively. Double Hit is used for a Technician boosted Normal STAB that hits twice. Low Kick can be used to hit Pokemon such as Copperajah, Avalugg, and Coalossal super effectively. U-turn allows Ambipom to switch out while chipping opposing Pokemon. Silk Scarf is used to boost Fake Out and Double Hit if you use it. Heavy-Duty Boots can be used to prevent Ambipom from being chipped by hazards, which is useful if you find yourself having Ambipom use Fake Out and U-turn quite often. Tera Normal is used to give a x2 STAB boost to Fake Out and Double Hit.

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I think Fake Out got auto corrected into Facade.
Fixed. I must've put the wrong move before I exported the set
0 votes

Gen 9 NU Offensive

Ambipom @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Triple Axel
- Low Kick
- Knock Off / U-turn

An Offensive set that takes advantage of a new move Ambipom got due to DLC 2. Technician Fake Out is standard Ambipom stuff, revenge killing weakened Pokemon. Triple Axel is the new move Ambipom got thanks to DLC 2, which is quite huge for it since it may make Ambipom an actually decent pick for NU. Not only is Triple Axel boosted by Technician, but it also lets Ambipom OHKO defensive Pokemon such as Gligar, Drifblim, and Altaria, Pokemon who could easily switch into a Double Hit. Triple Axel is also nice to make Tsareena think twice about trying to come in to block a Fake Out. Low Kick is useful coverage against Pokemon such as Copperajah, Abomasnow, Coalossal, Alolan Sandslash, and Snorlax. Knock Off lets Ambipom remove items to cripple its checks. U-turn can be used instead to let Ambipom switch out while chipping its checks. Replacing Knock Off for U-turn is fine since the Ghost-types in NU don't enjoy switching into Triple Axel. Life Orb is used to boost the power of Ambipom's attacks. You could use Wide Lens just to make sure Techinican Triple Axel hits all 3 times. Tera Normal is used to boost the power of Ambipom's Fake Out.
