PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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It seems my starter pokemon gains more exp than my other pokemon. Is this true? It is always about ten levels higher than my other pokemon. I only ever use it in the wild or in tight spots so its not like it gets more battles than my others.


1 Answer

1 vote

all starters have a level growth of medium slow or their maximize exp in level 100 is 1,056,000
pokemons can have 5 types of level growth
erratic(600,000 exp at level 100)
fast(800,000 exp at level 100)
medium fast(1,000,000 exp at level 100)
medium slow(1,056,000 exp at level 100)
slow(1,250,000 exp at level 100)
fluctuating(1,640,000 exp at level 100)
if your pokemons belong to slow or fluctuating,then your starter will level up faster.
