I've gotten conflicting information about this question from different forums and sites, so sorry if this is considered a duplicate question.
I want to try and RNG manipulate for perfect IVs/Natures for the Swords of Justice, but I'll need Chatots which aren't obtainable until after beating the E4. I heard that if the Swords of Justice have their levels updated, their natures and stats will be locked to whatever they were at their original levels, meaning they can't be changed (if this is wrong, please correct me). Because of this, I'd rather get them at level 45. So, will they "respawn" at level 65 even if I don't faint them?
I guess another question I have is that if their levels don't end up updating after defeating the E4, will their stats/natures still be locked (again, unsure if this is true) even though they remain at level 45?
Sorry for the wall of text, I just couldn't seem to find any definitive answer to these questions.