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cause I just checked & all 4 game cards have the same teams on them....

can anyone explain that? or is it just staring me right in the face & I just don't know it.....

cause I wanted to play another playthrough of the Pokemon sword game & Pokemon shield game without the expansion pack...
but now I can't :<

sorry if it sounds confusing.......

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On the Switch, save data is saved to the Switch itself, not the cartridges, so inserting a cartridge with a game that already has save data on the Switch will load that save data, regardless of if it's a different cartridge than the original.
For example, if you play Legends: Arceus using a first cartridge, the save data will be saved to the Switch. If you insert a different Legends: Arceus cartridge, it'll still load that save data, even if the cartridge has been used on a different Switch or not used at all previously.
From what you've said, it seems that if the Sword/Shield DLC is on that save data, it doesn't matter if you're playing using a cartridge with or without the expansion pack, as it loads the only save data, which has the DLC.

You can start a second file without deleting your old one by creating another Switch account and playing it on that, since there's different save data for each Switch account, but I'm not sure if it'd have the DLC as well or not.
^^^ you should answer with that
If you want to do another playthrough, just make and use another user/profile
Like pogokira said, as of the switch, save data is stored on the console instead of cartridge. Every card will “have” the same data.

If you use your card on another switch, you won’t have the save file.

Just make a new user on your switch to replay the game, or delete your current save. You can also uninstall the DLC before starting a new game to not have it.
@Pogokira  &  ~Scarlet~


i'll clarify what i meant:

my very first shield playthrough *without the expansion pack* has: sobble (F), miru the alcremie, gala the galarian ponyta (F), lessan the indeedee (F), peko the morpeko (F) & pix the vulpix (F)

my very first sword playthrough *without the expansion pack* has: hibun the scorbunny (F), mouton the wooloo (F), kit the nickit (F), yampi the yamper (F), youmi the gossifleur (F) & cufa the cufant (F)

my 2nd playthrough of sword *without the expansion pack* has: nori the grookey (F), rookie the rookidee (F), kamu the chewtle (F), flappi the flapple (F), cara the shuckle (F) & tena the hattena

my 2nd playthrough of shield *without the expansion pack* has: tamri the skwovet (M), Toto the boltund (M), swoobi the swoobat (f), Pico the cinchino (m), blippy the blipbug (F) & yun the cubchoo (F)

my first playthrough of pokemon sword+expansion... has: noi the noibat (F), frossy the frosmoth (F), nura the goomy (F), tatako the clobbopus (F), shi the luxray (F) & cub the kubfu (M)

my first playthrough of pokemon shield+expansion.... has: grubbi the grubbin (F), fuwa the drifloon (F), ya the galarian slowpoke (F), mima the fomantis (F), amari the amaura (F) & magi the magby (F)

my 2nd playthrough of pokemon sword+expansion... has: futo the raboot (M), galva the galvantula (F), dollop the micery, crumble the appletun (F), jime the drizzile (M) & echo the noivern (F)

My 2nd playthrough of pokemon shield+expansion... has: domu the dottler (F), rasu the corvisquire (F), ki the helioptile (F), tairetsu the falinks (m), Rill the azumarill (M) & sori the dragapult (M)

my 3rd playthrough of pokemon sword+expansion... has: yaku the sizzilipede (F), negi the galerian farfetch'd (F), toxi the toxal (M), mi the hatenna, tuta the galerian yamask (m) & daru the galerian darumaka (F)

my 3rd playthrough of pokemon Shield+expansion... has: hito the charmander (m), Suifo the galarian rapidash (F), pin the pincurchin (M), gonbe the munchlax (F), doro the drakloak (F) *& her child, doroko (F) & yukika the snover (F)

my 4th playthrough of pokemon sword+expansion... has: paai the cinderace (F), rosalina the roserade (F), skye the rufflet (M), stuffy the stufful (F), inn the indeedee (M) & shiya the dreepy (f)

My 4th playthrough of pokemon shield+expansion... has: perun the pikachu (F), elora the eevee (F), cheri the cherrim (F), azura the emolga (F), uono the dracovish (M) & Iceland the bergmite (F)

my 5th playtrough of pokemon sword+expansion.... has: skoli the scolipede (F), trika the raichu (F), terri the herdier (F), rola the roggenrola (F), hocus the meowstic (F) & nigo the cramorant (M)

my 5th playthrough of pokemon shield+expansion... has: hallo the unfezent (F), pocus the meowstic (M), biso the bouffalant (F), mara the maractus (F), luca the lucario (M) & korippo the eiscue (F)

my 6th playthrough of pokemon sword+expansion... has: yoku the greedant (F), den the charjabug (F), konro the ninetales (F), maiko the steenee (F), nuiko the bewear (F) & moli the cinchino (F)

& my 6th playthrough of pokemon shield+expansion... has: kaji the tsarenna (F), sae the liepard (F), gorapa the psyduck (M), yonyo the whismur (F), fushi the venipede (F)  & kanga the kangaskhan (f) & her child, sana (F)

but just now, when i put in the main game of sword *cause i wanted that new game*, & went onto my 4th profile,  it gave me my team for my 2nd playthrough of pokemon sword+expansion team.....  & so on....

that is so frustrating .... & really strange

what do you think of that?....
Are you saying your save data is the same across users or something? Because you’re really going to have to summarize that if not

i'm saying that i haven't played pokemon sword game without the expansion pack on profile 4 yet...  & yet it has my 2nd playthrough of pokemon sword+expansion team - futo the raboot (M), galva the galvantula (F), dollop the micery, crumble the appletun (F), jime the drizzile (M) & echo the noivern (F)

isn't that really strange? :<
Are you *sure* you aren’t just misremembering which game files was on what profile? What’s on profile 2 if it’s on profile #4
I am sure you have made a mistake. Have you made any changes with your switch's primary account?

To clarify: the situation you have provided is impossible
^^^^^^^ agree with McRib. It’s impossible
@ ~Scarlet~   no, i haven't made any changes at all....   i haven't misremembered either....

i make a team template of sorts to remember everytime i play....  .... :<   - for example: https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/my-team-in-pokemon-shield-expansion-copy-6-938688092

i've used profile 2 for pokemon sword *playthrough 2* & pokemon shield *playthrough 2*  before this....*those are the game cards that didn't have the expansion yet*

therefore, i haven't used profile 4 for those ones yet...   

the only galar pokemon games i've used for profile 4 are pokemon sword+expansion *playthrough 2* & pokemon shield+expansion *playthrough 2* ...

it's not cause of that, is it?  i'm starting to think that it is...   *sign*  oh well......
Is there any way to prove this is happening, like a video?
@ sumwun

i am telling the truth....   :<

but i am pretty sure now that it's cause i played the expansion version of sword & shield on profile 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8...

if that's the case, then... ok...  kinda disapointing... but i want to play a 4th playthrough of brillent diamond now....

BUT.....     i may give you a video of it.... sometime.....
Can you just summarize what accounts have the same team? It is very confusing to read your extending comments. Also, you didn't answer my question if you messed with the primary account settings of your switch, as that is the only thing that would make this make sense.
@McRibFarewellTour   no, i didn't mess with any settings... i wouldn't...

well... umm.... well, can i just say this?:    
do you think that profile 4 has my team for pokemon sword+expansion *playthrough 2*  could be cause the galar games were updated with the expansions?  i'm thinking now that that's the reason.... :>

i don't know what else to say....
Are you sure you just didn’t start playthrough #2 in the fourth profile?

Is it possible you or a sibling swapped the profiles around a while ago and you didn’t notice?
@~Scarlet~   i'm very certain on the first question :>
& the 2nd question - all my profiles are all mine....  i wouldn't know how to swap them around....

like i said with McRibFarewellTour,   i'm sure now that its cause the galar games got updated with the expansion version of the game card that i bought too... :>      

it's fine anyway, i gave up & i'm now playing a 4th playthrough of shining pearl....
Does the sword and shield icon in the home menu look different than the sword and shield with dlc icon? If it's the same game than that's your problem, but if there are two different games than there is a mistake

alright... i'll show you a video later...

although... the game icon doesn't look different at all....

i still think that it's cause i own the expansion games.... *even though i never played non-expansion ones on profile 4*

so i think that maybe this question is solved.... :>
If you believe your question to be solved, please hide the question, as you answered it yourself I believe

1 Answer

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Best answer

Each user profile on your Switch has one save file for Sword/Shield. There is no separate save file for the expansion pass (which is a DLC purchase and not a separate title on the Switch in itself) - the benefits of the pass are applied to your one save file as soon as you reach the Wild Area for the first time.

Save files are stored on the Switch itself, not the game card, so it doesn't matter which game card you have inserted unless it is of the other version.

Additionally, if you have set your Switch as your primary console, all profiles have the benefits of the expansion pass as well.

If you want to have a non-expansion pass save file, you can create a new user profile on your Switch, and a new save file on that profile. From there, you can simply ignore the DLC passes and never go to their respective areas.

Otherwise, your save files are the same because they are the same singular save file.

If I'm misunderstanding the situation, feel free to correct me and I'll edit my answer accordingly.

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