PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I am playing heartgold and I have a lvl. 73 Vileplume and a lvl. 65 Typhlosion. Both are modest, and according to Pokémon database, Vileplume’s base sp. attack stat is 110, and Typhlosion’s is 109. And yet, at lvl. 73, my Vileplume’s sp. attack is at 194, and my lvl. 65 Typhlosion is at 199. Why is this? If they’re both receiving priority for sp. attack because of their nature, and Vileplume has a higher base sp. attack, shouldn’t Vileplume have higher sp. attack than Typhlosion at this point? I feel like there’s something I’m not understanding about the mechanics, so if you have some insight please let me know. Thanks!

Typhlosion probably has more Special Attack EVs and IVs than Vileplume.

1 Answer

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Best answer

If you wanna see the exact calcs, see this Bulbapedia article
But basically you missed two key factors of calculating a Pokémons stats: IVs (Individual Values) and EVs (Effort Values)


Individual values are the Pokémon equivalent of genes. They are instrumental in determining the stats of a Pokémon, being responsible for the large variation in stats among untrained Pokémon of the same species. Each of the six stats has an IV associated with it, with that IV coming into calculation alongside the Pokémon's base stats, Nature, and EVs to determine the actual stat number. A Pokémon's IVs are fixed when it is generated by the game and cannot be changed (although Hyper Training causes stats to become values corresponding the maximum IVs). Source

In short, these are values, ranging from 0-31, that are randomy chosen for each stat when the Pokémon is generated. Your Vileplume may have a lower SpA IV than your Typhlosion, for example.


Effort values, or EVs, are values that contribute to an individual Pokémon's stats in the core and side series Pokémon games. They are primarily obtained by defeating Pokémon in battle, based on the Pokémon that was defeated. Due to effort values, trained Pokémon are usually stronger than wild Pokémon, even those of the same level. Source

Basically every time a mon gain exp in a battle, it also gains EVs for a particular stat, and what stat gains those EV's depend on the Pokémon that was defeated (Rattata gives Speed, Abra Gives SpA, etc.). Your Vileplume may have less SpA EVs than your Typhlosion, for example.

Another thing you forgot...

VIleplume only has 110 Base SpA from Gen 6 onwards. It had 100 base SpA before that, meaning that in HGSS, it actually had lower base SpA than Typhlosion, but it was still possible that it could have a lower SpA stat than it if its IVs and/or Evs were lower

Hope I helped :)

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Got it. That really clears things up for me. Thanks so much!
Np! I'm glad I helped :)