My Tyranitar is a good somewhat defensive sweeper. It can take hits while it builds speed, then it can stop opponents in their tracks. It does get annoying though, because everyone keeps forfeiting. Here's what mine knows.
Tyranitar @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 6 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
IVs: 23 SpA / 10 Spe
- Rock Polish
- Rock Slide
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake
-Rock Polish: raises speed 3 levels
-Rock Slide: hits 2 people in double or triple, more accurate than stone edge, and can make them flinch (works well with rock polish)
-Ice Fang: type coverage (grass, ground, flying, dragon), may freeze, may flinch
-Earthquake: because everyone needs a good power-move, but you can pick whichever else you like
p.s. One thing I've noticed is most people forget rock beats ice, but ice doesn't beat rock, so don't fear the ice types unless they know water attacks (yes, rock type attacks are still super effective on ice and water double types; no, fire is not). Also, tyranitar can learn fire fang and thunder fang too, so if you want more flinch moves, more status problems, or more type coverage(fire: beats bug, grass, steel, ice; electric: beats water, flying), pick one of those. Also, I made an earlier post similar to this one, then I realized ice fang was better than fire fang because fire takes care of steel, bug, and grass. Earthquake covers steel and rock slide covers bug, and ice fang takes care of grass, ground, and those pesky dragon types. I hope this helps.