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I’m thinking quick ball capturing until I’ve hit 500+ battled, and then going for brilliant, but I’m not too sure

I have the shiny charm and I’m in the old cemetery

I brought a Rainer for weather clearing, Hypnosis user for status + PP saving (struggle), a Taunter for memento.

Let me know if I’m missing anything good to know

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which type of sinistea do you want there are two types phony and antique can you specifie that.
I honestly probably won’t need it; I caught about 50 regulars so far with no issue with Quick Balls + Repeat Balls + Ultra but thank you lol

So far I’m thing Taunt, Rain (if needed), Sleep, and then Toss Repeat + Ultra
also sinistea can't spawn in a sand storm.
I wouldn't use a Rainer, that's ten seconds you don't want wasted. If you keep your switch clock on 4/30 of any year the weather will always be normal

3 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

This is what I would do, and is a quick and efficient way to hunt.

  1. Get a Scrappy Pangoro with False Swipe and Taunt. You won't need this until you encounter the shiny. You need Taunt because Level 60 Sinistea will know Memento.
  2. Get a high level Pokemon that knows high PP Dark and Ghost type moves, (Lick, Shadow Sneak, Bite, Knock Off.) This is better than Quick Balls because it doesn't use money, and if you turn animations off, it's much better off on the time.
  3. Grab some Ultra Balls for your shiny when it appears and you'll be set.

This is the simple strategy I use. If I'm forgetting a variable please let me know, I haven't done one of these hunts in six months

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Don't you mean high pp dark and ghost moves?
Yup sorry
Just to double check tho: other than these, my 500 + brilliant idea is the best way to go about doing this hunt?
Yeah this is all with the 500 brilliant
1 vote

Well, this may not be the easiest way to hunt one, as the rate at which you encounter the Pokémon themselves is horrifically low, but it is certainly an interesting way to shiny hunt one.

If you start a curry shiny hunt in the Glimwood Tangle, data shows that Authentic Sinisteas actually have a significantly higher encounter rate than Phony Sinisteas. Meaning that if you encounter a Sinistea by curry hunting, it will most likely be authentic.

Again, I am a hardcore curry shiny hunter myself, and curry shiny hunting takes loads of time and dedication, but if you want a way to hunt Sinistea that will most likely help you end up with an Authentic one, curry shiny hunting is the way to go.

Curry hunting is a full odds hunt, so it will naturally take a lot of time. Also, there is no way to guarantee which Pokémon will spawn after you make a curry, so you will most likely phase out before you get your Sinistea. But if you have the time, determination, and need for a shiny Sinistea, then I highly suggest doing a curry hunt for one.


0 votes

here are the best possible ways you can shiny hunt em.

  • higher chance of encountering in a bllizard as an visible encounter.
  • don't waste your breath on false swipe.
  • use weak non stab hitable move on your weaker mons
  • don't use ghost or dark type moves.
  • if you can use a pokmeon that has scrappy to use false swipe if desprettly you want it.
  • while catching it with confusion and stuff keep a normal type at front.

Also these are my opinion

…are you not going to discuss the hunting method?