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The first time I looked up kyurem, I noticed that it does not learn frost breath. It can learn blizzard, ice beam, it's signature move and all other ice types moves, but no frost breath. So, why doesn't learn it?

Because its breath wasn't frosty enough.

2 Answers

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Well, Kyurem simply can't learn Frost Breath because Pokemon logic. Perhaps it doesn't have cold breath despite it being an ice type. A bit of proof can back up this, which is the fact that Kyurem takes neutral damage from fire attacks, so it wouldn't really have frosty or cold breath. However, Kyurem might be able to learn Frost Breath in the future, since Lickitung could not learn Lick in generation one, but eventually got it.

Well I guess I can't argue with that.
0 votes

His mouth is sealed shut by ice. And don't say that he simply can't, because that ice appeared because some of the freezing energy he generates. If he generates massive freezing power inside him, then he should be able to use frost breath, just his mouth is sealed shut. But the fusions have their mouths uncovered, you might say. Well, perhaps the power of fire or electricity sort of takes away the pure frostiness of frost breath. Just a theory. ;)

(I must admit it works better for normal and white kyurem, electricity wouldn't really do that to ice, but maybe Zekrom has special electricity. Whatever, it's fiction anyway.) _('-')_/
