Da hell? Is that a Deoxys (speed form)? Dat speed... But no, I'm not entirely sure how the base stats are worked out but it has something to do with the Pokemon's minimum possible stats (no IVs, EVs and hindering nature) and maximum possible stats (31 IVs, 252 EVs and helpful nature) in comparison to other Pokemon, as far as I am aware (don't take my word for it though lol). I think without knowing the IVs it's pretty much impossible.
Found a different post for the same sorta thing, answered by DarkTyphlosion.
"There are only two formulas for calculating a Pokemon's stats:
HP= (( IV+ Base+ (√(EV)/8)xLevel )/50)+10
IV-Individual Values
Base-Base Stat for Pokemon
EV-effort values, up to 256 (but only get points for up to 252)
Level-Pokemon's current level
All other stats:
S=(( IV+ Base+ (√(EV)/8)xLevel )/50)+5
Same variables for the previous one."