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So I got traded a shiny Dialga over wonder trade. I took it straight to the IV checker and to my delight, it had 6IVs. Obviously hacked.
But then I checked the Nature.
This hacker had a bad sense of humor.

What do I do with it? This is the set I'm thinking of:
Dialga @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Claw
-Iron Head
-Stone Edge

Dialga's base 90 speed just doesn't cut it in Ubers. Why not try a Scarf?

duuude I literally just got a 6iv Shiny Ho-oh of wondertrade, but it's been EV trained in Attack XD
I also received a shiny Kyogre with 6IV.. and Adamant! Those hackers aren't very nice :P
^ I got an Adamant Shiny Kyogre that was hacked to have exactly 0 IVs in every stat. Wooooow.

1 Answer

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All hope is not lost!

Dialga gets Bulk Up, which is an awesome boosting move that helps to take advantage of Dialga's stellar typing and resistances to snag a few boosts. In Gen V the Bulkup Resttalk set was effective, and it used a Careful Nature Dialga. Now that there are Fairy types you can no longer run mono Dragon as an attack, but you can run a more offensive Bulk Up variant.

It carries a surprise factor too.

Dialga @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SpD
Adamant Nature
-Bulk Up
-Iron Head
-Dragon Claw

Or you can ditch Rest altogether and run Bulk Up + 3 Attacks.

Dialga @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SpD
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Claw
-Iron Head
-Bulk Up

Hope I helped!

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Transfer to sv and use a nature mint.