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It is in OM of the month in Pokemon showdown

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From Smogon

After a long hiatus, here we are again with a new Seasonal! The current Seasonal Ladder, November, is Seasonal Strikes Back (game on words with its prefix). We aren't celebrating a specific holiday (take that, thanksgiving), we are rather celebrating the comeback of the most awesome format Pokémon Showdown has ever seen! From this month on, we'll have seasonals back, as usual centered around a theme, but this time we'll choose them more freely than centering it on the current northern hemisphere holidays.

To celebrate the comeback, this seasonal is more or less a mash up old seasonals with a new things to spice it up: the format is triples, which has never been used in Seasonal and, well, it's kinda new to PS. Your team may consist of any Pokémon at all, once again we're using your user I'd to determine it, only this time you aren't locked into it-the teams will change every day as now I'm using the day of the month on the algorithm. You may remember Spring Forward, well, once again Pokémon may drink too much and enter battle drunk. Additionally, all of your Pokémon will have the Present move all seasonal players know and love: random effects and hilarity ensues after using it! Also, when a Pokémon faints, you will get a lovely haiku. Last but not least, the type of your moves may change randomly throughout the battle. Missed that? Of course you did!

Previous Seasonals

Fabulous February - Feb '14
Winter's Wont' - Jan '14
Christmas Charade - Dec '13
Thankless Thanksgiving - Nov '13
Octoberfest - Oct '13
School Schemes - Sep '13
Average August - Aug '13
Jolly July - Jul '13
June Jubilee - Jun '13
May Mayhem - May '13
Fools Festival - Apr '13
Spring Forward - Mar '13
Valentine Venture - Feb '13
Winter Wonderland - Dec '12 + Jan '13
Seasoning's Greetings Nov '12

Hope this helps

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Your team may consist of any Pokémon at all, once again we're using your user I'd to determine it, only this time you aren't locked into it-the teams will change every day as now I'm using the day of the month on the algorithm. You may remember Spring Forward, well, once again Pokémon may drink too much and enter battle drunk. Additionally, all of your Pokémon will have the Present move all seasonal players know and love: random effects and hilarity ensues after using it! Also, when a Pokémon faints, you will get a lovely haiku. Last but not least, the type of your moves may change randomly throughout the battle. Missed that? Of course you did!

It's a mashup of previous seasonal metagames, listed here.
