I want to know what the events there are for Pokemon X and Y and if you guys can make a list of new HA Pokemon in generation VI can you put it in the answer too?
pokebank events:
wi-fi events:
torchic ____ rumored wi-fi events:
daily events:
HA: not totally sure what you meant here, but here are the gen 6 Pokemon (i have listed only one of each family) with new hidden abilities. correct me if you meant something different
-Chespin Bulletproof -Fennekin Magician -Froakie Protean -Bunnelby Huge Power -Fletchling Gale Wings -scatterbug Friend Guard -Litleo Moxie -Flabébé Symbiosis -Skiddo Grass Pelt -Pancham Scrappy -Espurr Own Tempo -Meowstic Prankster -Meowstic Competitive -Spritzee Aroma Veil -Swirlix Unburden -inkay Infiltrator -Binacle Pickpocket -Helioptile Solar Power -Sylveon Pixilate -Hawlucha Mold Breaker -Dedenne Plus -Carbink Sturdy -Goomy Gooey -Klefki Magician -Phantump Harvest -Pumpkaboo Insomnia -Bergmite Sturdy -Noibat Telepathy
for other Pokemon with HA: look here
Both the list of events and the list of new hidden abilities in gen VI(I assume you meant VI and not IV) are long. You can find the events for X and Y here, I haven't found any list only stating the new hidden abilities but here is a list for all HA as of X and Y and you can find the ones you want to know about.
Sources: Bulbapedia and Serebii
Hope I helped.