My team feels a little bit unbalanced, so I was thinking for going with a different type Pokemon possibly with flamethrower?
[Kings rock]Togekiss(Serene Grace)- Roost, Air Slash, nasty plot, ancient power
[Toxic orb]Breloom (Poison heal)- Spore, Drain punch, Sword Dance, Stone Edge
[Big root]]Lanturn(Volt absorb)- Stockile, Thunderbolt, Icebeam, Aquaring
[Leftovers]Drifblim(Aftermath)- Will-O-wisp, Hex, Stockpile, Rest
[leftovers]Golem(sturdy) - thunderpunch, Autonomise, Earthquake, Firepunch(or Rockpblast/explosion) BUT NOT TOO SURE IF I SHOULD HAVE GOLEM ON MY TEAM BUT I LIKE HIM :)