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And go beyond "it changes your ability" because that is honestly as vague as you can get. With that statement, I might just think it changes my ability to No Guard.

When I first read this I thought there was an ability called Capsule...

2 Answers

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Best answer

It seems like it switches between the non-hidden abilities. For example if you have a Lucario with Steadfast you could switch it to Inner Focus. Again it will not switch abilities to hidden abilities so you couldnt get a Solar Power Chairzard with this method. According to the link I read its a useable item thats in your medicine pouch. So you would use it like a Thunderstone and then it will go away.

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If this isnt what you were looking for just let me know
Is it activatable item or hold item? If hold item would it just activate during the battle? And would it be a one-time use in that case?
according to the link i read its a useable item thats in your medicine pouch. So you would use it like aThunderstone and then it will go away.
Can you edit that into your answer please?
Okay i will
Is it true that when the holder faints, its effect wears off permanently (by the way sorry for necroposting)
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When used on a Pokémon, this item will change its ability to the other standard ability it can have. If a Pokémon only has one ability, it will not work. It will not change a Pokémon with its Hidden Ability or change a Pokémon to have its Hidden Ability

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Is it activatable item or hold item? If hold item would it just activate during the battle? And would it be a one-time use in that case?