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Like, is there Pokemon that are based off things in real life that are not alive?

Oh, there's the chandelure series.
Btw do not count imaginary creatures based off nothing like Jigglypuff.
or reshiram
and i think jigglypuff is a bunny
Wigglypuff is a bunny. Jigglypuff is just a stupid pink blob with ears xD
It's Kirby but less sexy :3
Like inanimate objects or ghosts? If you just mean random stuff then theres balloons, ice cream, candles and magnets. Expect Chaireon in gen 6.
Reshiram's a dragon. It's not really "imaginary" by Pokemon standards, since Dragons exist in normal mythology.
And Chaireon's a fakemon. If it's real I will pretend Gen VI never existed.
jigglypuff is way sexier than kirby!

1 Answer

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Best answer
  • Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith, Onix, Regirock (Rocks)
  • Litwick (Candle)
  • Lampent (Lamp)
  • Chandelure (Chandelier)
  • Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone, Nosepass, Probopass (Magnets)
  • Grimer, Muk, Koffing, Weezing (Sludge, Poison)
  • Steelix, Registeel, Bronzor, Bronzong (Steel)
  • Voltorb, Electrode (Poke Balls)
  • Unown (Letters)
  • Lunatone (Moon)
  • Solrock (Sun)
  • Regice (Ice)
  • Beldum, Metang, Metagross (Computer)
  • Cofagrigus (Coffin)
  • Klink, Klang, Klinklang (Gears)
  • Cryogonal (Snowflake)
  • Golett, Golurk (Armor)
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What about Nosepass? It's based off of the statues on Easter Island..
You forgot about balloon Pokemon though..... Jigglypuff is a balloon, so is Drifloon, and Drifblim!
(porygon, porygon 2, porygon-z are all cyber space stuff...) (pineco is a pinecone) (baltoy and claydol are ancient toys) (chimecho is a wind chime) (castform is a cloud) (chingalig is a bell) (sigilyph is a hieroglyph)
Yamask, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Shuppet, and Banette. First 4: Ghosts. Last 2: Puppets
All the Rotoms (washing machine, lawn mower, etc)